10 skills you gain from an internship abroad 


10 skills you gain from an internship abroad 


So school is over, you have an offer to do an internship abroad and you don’t know if you have the right skills to succeed? 

Don’t worry, you are not alone. Thousands of newly graduates face this question and wonder if it’s worth going out of their country and comfort zone to do an internship. 

Soon enough they find out that the benefits of doing an internship abroad substantially exceed the fears of stepping outside the comfort zone. There are multiple skills needed to succeed on this adventure and the good news is that you don’t need to own them. Your internship abroad will serve as an opportunity to learn, practice, and gain new skills. 


Here are my top 10 skills one may gain from succeeding in an internship abroad 



1.Learn or improve your language skills 

Generally, when going abroad, you need to speak or communicate in the native language. Doing an internship abroad is a great way to improve your language skills. You have to communicate with coworkers and clients, which greatly helps to perfect the accent and to expand your vocabulary. 



Apart from learning/improving a new language, you will also need to adapt to a new culture, food, laws, public transport, prices, weather, etc. Adaptability is key when deciding to go and work abroad. 



Going abroad requires some level of independence. You will be away from your comfort zone, and you will need to do things independently. Also, you need to show in your new work environment that you can work without the necessity of constant supervision of your tutor. Being independent is a skill that you have the opportunity to learn but also really showcase if you are interning abroad. 


4. Problem solving

While doing your internship abroad you will most likely deal with some problems along the way. Life in a new work environment and a new social environment can be challenging and problematic and you need to learn to solve these problems and face these challenges if you want to have a successful internship. 


5. Time management 

You will soon need to adapt your behavior in accordance with this new schedule. There is a difference in the work schedule, eating schedule, and leisure time in every country.  Spain is well-known for siesta time which is between 2 PM and 5 PM. 


6. Negotiation 

Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute. While doing an internship,  you will learn to negotiate in a new language,  deal with a new culture, and with clients who might have a difference in the way they look at things. You are going to have to master negotiation skills quickly in order to adapt to a new situation.



7. Patience 

Adapting to a new culture, workplace, live style takes time. That’s why patience is a key skill you pick up along the way when you decide to do an internship abroad. Keep your calm every time life doesn’t go your way. Take a deep breath and try again. The process is long and, in the end, after gaining all that experience and a bunch of new skills, you will understand it was all worth it. 


8. Active listening skills 

When you start working, especially abroad, it is very important to have active listening skills. You need to learn as fast as possible, as much as possible. This means you are going to have to listen to everything said to you or to your group of coworkers and process this information.


9. Tech savviness 

Knowing your way around technology comes in handy when you go abroad. You will be in a new country where your favorite apps from home may not be available and you are going to need to find new apps to help you with your work, communicate with your coworkers or friends, or even order food from a nearby restaurant. 


10. Determination

As stated, multiple times, you will be facing multiple challenges throughout the duration of the internship, and you need to have the determination and perseverance to push through. If times get tough, you must keep yourself motivated and determined that you will succeed. This is not easy to do, and it will take some time to get used to. But remember, everyone who has ever succeeded in their job has mentioned determination and hard work as key to success. In our case, when doing an internship abroad, you will definitely face some challenges along the way and you will learn quickly to have the patience and determination to get past them as all successful people do. 


So here you have it. 10 valuable skills that you will definitely pick up along the way when doing an internship abroad. It’s not going to be easy but definitely worth it and it will certainly be a big boost on your CV as the recruiters in the future will definitely appreciate the courage and the adventure. So, if you have an offer for an internship abroad, our advice is simple. 

Don’t hesitate, don’t be scared, and go get it.


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