5 Reasons You Should Do an Internship


Internship is the alternative to curricular internships that every student should do before graduating in their field.

Why is it so important to do an internship?

Here are some of the reasons that make this an unrivalled professional experience:

1 – Apply your knowledge

When you take a course, degree, career, master’s or others, they offer you a set of knowledge that prepares you for the world of work you want to focus on. However, many times that knowledge is not applied in the day-to-day of the worker,so students cannot implement it until the time they are officially working.

Internships help you apply that acquired knowledge in the work environment in which you want in a very practical way, making the knowledge acquired interpreted in reality and useful in the future.

2 – Know what you want (and what you don’t)

It is very common for a recent graduate to enter the world without knowing very well where he wants to work, and getting carried away where give him a job. The importance of knowing what you want from the beginning will make make your job insertion more effective and satisfying for yourself.

Internships take you into the world of work,in different sectors if you wish, so that you can see all the environments that encompass your studies and in which you feel most at ease. Similarly, there is a clear intention to know that you are not good at or dislike to work and dedicate yourself in the future.

This will give you the chance to realize and discover your skills as a worker if you hadn’t explored them yet. You’ll know things you might not have known, both in your professional personality, as in the world of work.

3 – Finding your professional identity

Linked to the above, goes the professional identity of Each. This is probably one of the most complicated points to achieve, but internships facilitate this activity.

A professional identity is the result of a great self-knowledge process that is exercised during the training process and Work.

You will be very close to all the applications of your profession, live, contacting the professionals in your field and observing how each character is built according to their position or way of working. The internship will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with your professional environment and observe the shapes and habits of the professionals in your field according to sector.

In addition, you will know your real interests, which let them know which specialty you want to target in the future.

4 – Make contacts

Obviously, contacts are one of the most obvious ways to gain an edge in the world of work. Internships will help you build links with professionals who are within the context of the organization where you intend to work at the end of your studies.

It’s what we call a “network of contacts,” which you will make it easier to access the desired job through a recommendation, advice, useful company information, etc.

5 – Gain experience

Finally and perhaps one of the most important for most companies is the work experience of each student. Currently, companies want recent graduates with two or three years of experience in their field. This is obviously impossible if this experience has to be based on real or practical 3-month mandatory work. Internships help you add months of experience to this curriculum that you want to make little by little.

Characteristics of the internships

In addition, internships are characterized by internships during the academic course,and not once they are finished. This is highly valued by recruiters as it shows that the person being hired is able to carry several tasks at once, as well as being responsible and having clear ideas from the beginning. It shows a clear discipline and mental guidance.

Another point in favor of internships is that, first of all, you may be paid during the course of the internship,and secondly, it is very likely that thanks to this you will end up working in the company if they liked it as work.

If you have questions or need advice on internships, you can consult our section or contact without obligation.

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