Erasmus internship in Spain: Murcia 2021

Internship in Murcia: south-east Spain

Looking to do your Erasmus internship in Spain ? Why not do it Murcia?

Capital of the Murcia Autonomous Region of Southeastern Spain, Murcia

is the 7th largest city in Spain, with a population of more than 410,000. It is also known for its tradition of agriculture, due to its flowers, fruits, vegetables and its many exports.

Murcia is a perfect city for you students, who would like to spend a semester abroad! Many student associations organize events in this city such as trips to other parts of the region or Spain. For lovers of night outs, there is always something planned to animate your evenings, many bars are present in the center where the students of the city gather. This creates a good atmosphere and will allow you to make the most of your experience while making many meetings. So today we’re going to show you the most iconic places in the city and explain why you should do your Erasmus internship in Murcia!

The Plaza de las Flores

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Located in the center of the main Tapas area, it’sis a pedestrian square. A fountain decorates it, as well as many flower pots, hence its name. Shops, bars, greenery, all this makes it one of the busiest squares.

Moreover, for the issue of housing in Murcia,we remind you that if you choose to do your internship with us, you will be housed and fed.. One less weight during this wonderful experience that is the Erasmus internship.

Santa Maria Cathedral

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A bit of history, the Cathedral of Santa Maria is a place to visit in Murcia ! Its exterior and interior architecture will leave you speechless. If you want to visit the tower, you will need to book a time slot for the guided tour at a price of 5 euros. The view from the top of the tower is beautiful, even if the clouds appear.

You can very well visit the cathedral for free, without access to the tower. For those who wish to go further, there is the cathedral museum that pays for it. Just in front of the cathedral you can enjoy a sunbathing on the Plaza del Cardenal Belluga. Take a little break, enjoying good churros!

Le Casino de Murcia

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The Real Casino in Murcia is one of the places not to be missed. The tour is quite fast, take a good half hour to browse the 12 rooms with the audio guide. Admission costs 5 euros and gives access to an audio guide in French! The place, its history and the beauty of the building make it an indispensable place.

Statue of Christ in Monteagudo

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Looking for a reason to do your internship in Murcia ? 30 minutes from the city centre, bus 36 will take you to Monteagudo for 1.85 euros. You will then have to walk a few meters until you reach the 14-metre-high statue of Christ. It is no longer possible to reach the summit, because of deterioration it is now inaccessible. But you will reach a high point and you can enjoy a very nice view.

If this article made you want to move to Spainfor awhile, why not do your Erasmus internship in Murcia! We invite you to register quickly on our website ! We offer year-round internships, fed and paid in hotels all over Spain! If you want to get out of your comfort zone and discover this extraordinary city, opt for an internship in Murcia with Animafest!

And besides, if you are a restaurant or a hotel and you wish to welcome international interns this year, do not hesitate to visit our collaboration page. We explain how to collaborate with us so that we can post your internship offers on our platform.

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