Virtual online remote digital marketing internship for Indian students 2020

Virtual online remote digital marketing internship
India and the European Union participated in the 30 March 2016 summit held in
Brussels with the aim of relaunching India-EU cooperation in 2020. Cooperation
at the sectoral level will focus on education, energy, and transport.
India is a big country with many interesting places. More information about this amazing country and places that you can visit you can find here
So, if you are an Indian student and you are looking for a remote online virtual internship to validate
your year, to complete your studies or for your personal development, do not
hesitate any longer; it is the best time to get started and our company opens its
doors to you!

remote online virtual Internship for India

Animafest is the best solution. In fact, the company offers you the opportunity
to complete a professional work experience from your home, online.
An ideal solution because it allows you to learn more about yourself, to discover
the professional world and to develop new skills while working from home and
therefore self-organized your time. With Animafest you can decide how many
hours you want to work, which tasks you prefer to do (in agreement with us),
you can also submit personal ideas… Animafest’s only goal is to adapt to your
needs so that together you can achieve the objectives that you have set

In addition to saving you money, our business promises you a letter of
recommendation and a certificate at the end of your internship period. Still,
Well tell yourself that it doesn’t matter how long the internship lasts, it can be
for 1 month or for 6 months; Animafest is ready to welcome you, to guide you
and to offer you a great opportunity!

Virtual online remote digital marketing internship for Indian students 2020 1

If you are currently in further studies or have just graduated and your graduate
school has agreed to sign a contract, you have come to the right place!
With this online internship, it will be possible for you to manage the content of
the site, to carry out blogs, research, social networking, advertising, or online
marketing. The main tasks and missions will then be to help the team with
content development, (to support 360-degree marketing efforts, to give new
ideas to promote our Facebook and Instagram, and to create advertising for the
latter two). For more information click on this link

Finally, once your internship is over, Animafest offers you the opportunity to
come to Spain to continue the experience. If you are studying languages,
tourism, business, marketing, cooking (our company supports many hotels and
restaurants) … you are welcome. The Animafest Experience service is
completely free of charge, we provide you with accommodation, meals and,
moreover, an economic remuneration, you will also have the opportunity to
learn and perfect the language of the place where you will be.

Come and register and we will put you in the best place. For more information
click on this link:

Virtual online remote digital marketing internship for Indian students 2020 2

So, if you are motivated and want to acquire new skills, we suggest you embark
on a new adventure of an online remote internship, in the field of marketing and more
specifically as a content manager. Animafest offers internship opportunities
throughout the year. We invite you to register on the page and send a message
on WhatsApp to the number indicated on the site. It is up to you! We are waiting
for you!

And by the way, if you are a company, a restaurant, or a hotel and you would
like to receive this year’s international interns for online remote internships to
promote your activities, please visit our collaboration page. We explain how to
collaborate with us so that we can publish your internship offers on our

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