Marketing Internship in Spain for German speaking students 2021

Internship 2021

Are you a German-speaking student who wants to do an internship where you can improve your language skills? If the answer is yes, then this article is just right for you!

Around 130 million people speak German as their mother tongue or second language. German is the most widely spoken mother tongue in the European Union and the official language in seven countries. 289 million! That’s how many people around the world have learned German at some point, according to some calculations. How well they speak it is another question. Currently, 15.4 million people worldwide are learning German as a foreign language, 90 percent of them are students, 10 percent adults.

If you want to learn more interesting facts and figures about the German language click here.

german languages

And if you are a German-speaking student looking for an internship in Spain, you should definitely read this article below, because Animafest offers you an internship in marketing!

What exactly will my tasks be?

You work together with our Animafest team and support them mainly with social media. Some of the tasks suggested to you could be:

  • Develop and improve international software
  • Blog management – create and update new international content
  • Social Media – Use of social media to promote
  • Prospecting – creating folders, material and mailings with software media tools
  • Follow-up calls, answering customer enquiries

At Animafest we really encourage you to submit ideas to develop your work and make the most of your experience. It is also very important for us to listen and adapt to your own needs. That’s why you choose which tasks you want to do, whether you want to do just one specific job or do a bit of everything.

This internship enables you to have a new experience. You will experience working in an international team. To help you with this digital work, our team will be present to accompany you and give you the best advice to improve your work.

What experience do I gain through this internship?

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the work experience placement (expected learning outcomes):

  • Cultural enrichment through contact with international clients
  • Practical experience of Spanish culture and Spanish life
  • Understanding of the internal and international activities of the company with focus on
  • Hospitality and tourism sector
  • Improvement of language skills (Spanish, English, etc.)

This internship allows you to validate your academic education, sharpen your personality profile, learn to speak new languages and how to express your own opinion in a foreign culture, especially in a foreign language, as this is a huge boost to an intern’s general communication skills.

You also get to know new people and make friendships that sometimes last a lifetime. Additionally you get the great opportunity to discover Spain and see a little bit more of the world. On top of all this you can enrich your CV after your internship, which will certainly open many doors for you in the future.

erasmus internship in spain

If this article made you want to go to Spain for a while then you should decide to do your internship in the area of marketing with us! What are you waiting for? We kindly invite you to register for free on our website!

Do you have any further questions? Don’t hesitate to call us at +34 697 18 41 46 and we will help you with all your questions and make sure you get the best internship experience!

Animafest would be delighted if you would be willing to visit our beautiful country and join our team.

If you are a company, a restaurant, or a hotel and you would like to receive the year’s international interns for online virtual internships to promote your activities, please visit our collaboration page. We explain how to collaborate with us so that we can publish your internship offers on our platform.

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