My Remote Internship Experience with Animafest

My Remote Internship Experience with Animafest

My Remote Internship Experience with AnimafestCOVID-19 has affected every characteristic of life in every country and every business in the world. However, that does not mean that we cannot use this time to study our university studies and professional skills.

During the pandemic, I had initially planned to do an ideal internship in Spain, but for health restrictions, I had to stay in Paris. These health restrictions are not easy to bear. However, I have the opportunity to work for Animafest without leaving my home, and I’ll talk about my remote internship experience in this blog!


For many students, myself included, internships are a vital way to learn and gain experience outside of the classroom in the fields they’re studying. Despite not working in a traditional office environment, I still wanted to make the most of the experience. but you might be wondering, are remote internships good?


It’s difficult to say whether remote internships are beneficial or not; it depends on your own personal and professional aspirations, as well as your ideal working atmosphere. Online internship programs, on the other hand, are just as good as on-site internships.

Working from home is an ability that cannot be learned in a classroom. Only by trial and error can an employee’s ability to effectively manage themselves be established. As a result, an online internship is an excellent way to put these skills to the test.


 I also spoke with a friend of mine who was in the same situation, and Jeremy who is also doing a remote internship told me that in general, his tasks are easier to complete from home rather than working in an office. It might not be the case for everyone but everyone has his own preferences as I said. Even though working remotely has a negative connotation for some people, it does have some benefits that I noticed, which I’ll discuss now.

My Remote Internship Experience with Animafest


  1. Independance

A higher degree of freedom and autonomy is a significant expectation of remote workers. This means you’ll have to take on more responsibility and transparency, but it also means you’ll have more flexibility in how you approach each project.


  1. New skills on your resume

Since the turn of the century, digital literacy has been a required skill for many careers. However, in the wake of this global pandemic, the required digital and technological skills will be upgraded to allow for remote work.


  1. A routine that is flexible

One of our favorite aspects of remote internships is flexibility. The increased flexibility. There’s no need to try to beat traffic and be on time every morning now that your home has become your office!


       4.A better work-life balance has been achieved.

Your whole everyday life would be more versatile, not just your morning routine. All of your meal times can be customized to meet your preferences.



Anyone on a tight budget can now work from home. Getting rid of regular commutes, coffee shop visits, and out-of-office lunches saves a lot of money.


Furthermore, doing business on another continent used to include planning lengthy and expensive trips that never included interns. Meetings and discussions are now carried out online or by written correspondence.


And that was a list of the few benefits I’ve noticed while working remotely! 

Keep in mind that with Animafest, you can do internships in Spain, or even remote internships just like me! In the Remote internship, you will be able to control the site’s content, write posts, conduct research, social networking, advertise, or online marketing. The key duties and missions will then be to assist the team with content creation, as well as other related tasks (to support 360-degree marketing efforts, to give new ideas to promote our Facebook and Instagram, and to create advertising). 


There are only two conditions to be eligible for the internship: the first one is being a current or graduated student, and the second one is that your university needs to sign an internship contract. 

Remember that this program has a special fee.


*For more information you need to contact us by phone or Whatsapp +34 664 325 960 or Click on this link for more information.


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