Doing an internship during the pandemic with Animafest 2021

Doing an internship during the pandemic with Animafest 2021

Is doing an internship in Spain safe Despite the pandemic?


Traveling abroad to work is a privilege that not everyone can obtain, especially in those hard times. We are currently facing one of the hardest days in the century, but it is still important for students to experience those incredible moments abroad to learn and gain more experience. Spain is accepting students from all around the world, and it’s possible to do your internship with the help of the Animafest Experience team. Now you might be wondering, Is doing an internship in Spain safe despite the pandemic? The answer is yes, and we will talk about it in this article!

Doing an internship during the pandemic with Animafest 2021 1

First of all despite the pandemic, Spain is a very healthy country. According to many sources, Spain is ranked as the healthiest country in the world, with various factors that influence the quality of life, and according to the World Health Organization, the Spanish health care system itself is ranked as the 7th best healthcare system in the world. Moreover, The latest covid statistics show that Spain gets an average of three thousand new cases per day, which is one of the lowest if we compare it to all the other countries in Europe, making it safer to do an internship in Spain than any other country in Europe! You can practically live as if there is no pandemic. 

Doing an internship during the pandemic with Animafest 2021 2


Secondly when you travel to work abroad, the first thing you must have is health insurance. This is very important because if in case you get sick, you just have to present your European medical card to the hospital and they will take care of you free of charge! Despite the fact that Spain is one of the best countries to do your internship at the moment, you still need to pay attention and stay safe during the trip. It is important to always wear your mask correctly, wash your hands with soap and water every time you can, and last but not least avoid the crowds.

Despite the pandemic, you will have a great time discovering Spain and the culture with the benefit of gaining experience in a field! Remember that Spain is also very affordable when it comes to student life. In fact, the general prices in Spain are not high which makes it easy to do activities and enjoy the country. 


To conclude

Spain is a pretty safe country when it comes to the pandemic situation, it had its ups and downs but at the moment the pandemic is getting held better than other European countries and it can be the right time for you to come do an internship in Spain, you must make sure to prepare everything in advance so that everything is well organized and that you are serene.


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Note that with Animafest Experience, we can help you find your internship according to your needs, and accompany you throughout your journey to Spain. We have some offers at the moment for students who are willing to do an internship! We have different kinds of internships in hotels such as Animation, bar, restaurant, reception, and kitchen! This is the perfect opportunity for you to do a summer internship and gain more knowledge while still enjoying your summer in an amazing country such as Spain, you can start in June or July!


Get a Question?

You can call us now on +34697184146, or write to us by messages on WhatsApp. We are available from Monday to Friday, and from 9 am till 17:30 pm.


We are collaborating with New World Vision which is a program about personal development trhougt different subjects.

To do your internship it is mandatory to have an insurance, you can find it on our website.

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