Discover history of Barcelona with Animafest 2021

Discover history of Barcelona with Animafest



Let’s discover the history of Barcelona with Animafest!

Barcelona is one of the most attractive and cultural cities in Europe, it attracts a lot of travellers every year thanks to its natural beauty, beach, hot weather and gastronomy. But its origins, history, heritage and traditions give more value to the city. Barcelona is located in Catalonia. Barcelona port is one of the most historic ports in Europe for goods because of cruise tourism. Discover history of Barcelona with Animafest 2021 1

History of Barcelona

The first human traces in Barcelona dates back to Neolithic times. But Barcelona’s most significant inhabitants were Romans. During this Roman period, they had a few thousand inhabitants and the city was bounded by a defensive wall. In Barcelona’s old town, the ruins of this city wall can still be seen. Archaeological excavations have found the Roman origin of Barcelona who created a colony called Barcino in the 1st century BC. The city started to grow under Romans between 15 and 13 BC. Barcelona was Romans one of the army bases and a stopover for many of their shipping routes. 


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After the Romans period, Barcelona was occupied by the Visigoths during the 4th and 5th centuries. But starting from the 8th century for over 200 years, Barcelona was under Moor rule. As the city’s located closer to the sea, Barcelona was considered worth invading. From the 10th century, the city was one of the most important locations on the Mediterranean coast. After the Christian reconquest, this region became a part of the Carolingian Empire’s country and became one of the main residences of the Crown of Aragon. During this period, Barcelona became the political and economic center of the Western Mediterranean coast. City’s Gothic Quarter shows the attraction of this period. The University of Barcelona was founded during this period. It was in 1450.

After some struggles because of the economic, social and political issues during the 15th to 19th centuries, a period of cultural development began in the mid of 19thcentury with the growth of the textile industry.  


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In the 1960’s, Barcelona became a tourist attraction. Tourist arrivals started to create more employment and opportunities for tourism. It grew the economy once more. Thanks to these developments, Barcelona became the vibrant metropolis that it is today. The 20th century led to an urban renewal throughout Barcelona city. 

Historical sites

Barcelona historical sites are famous for their Roman, middle age and modern time. Most of the city’s architecturally important sites are famous thanks to its modernist period’s architects like Antonio Gaudí. Here are some of the famous historical sites in Barcelona.

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Historical sites

  • The Sagrada Familia – it is the symbol of the city and one of the most popular architectural pieces by Gaudí. Its construction started on March 19, 1882. But it is still in construction and expected to be completed in 2026.
  • La Casa Batllo – it was also designed by Antonio Gaudí. It is located on Passeig de Gracia avenue very close to La Pedrera, 
  • Park Güell – it was designed by Antonio Gaudí between 1900 and 1914.
  • Palau Güell – it was built between 1886 and 1890
  • La Pedrera – it was built between 1906 and 1910 by the famous architect Antonio Gaudi.
  • The cathedral of Barcelona – it was started to build in the 12th century. 
  • National Palace MNAC and magical fountains of Montjuic – it was built between 1926 and 1929 for the second EXPO in Barcelona and since 1934 it houses the Art Museum of Catalonia 
  • Arc de Triomf of Barcelona- it was designed by the architect Josep Vilaseca as the main entrance to the Barcelona EXPO in 1888. 
  • Columbus Monument – it was built for the first EXPO in 1888

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Find more places to visit in Barcelona here!

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