Finding an internship in the midst of Covid-19

Finding an internship in the midst of Covid-19

Finding an internship in the midst of Covid-19: Tips from a student’s perspective

The pandemic has affected us in some way. The restrictions on international travel due to Covid-19 have had a profound impact on the availability and accessibility of internships. But that didn’t stop us, the students.

The great importance of perseverance


Even though Covid-19 has significantly reduced the number of internships available to students in various sectors such as logistics, human resources, hospitality and tourism, one must remain positive, persevere and look for an internship that matches your career aspirations. You should know that a rejected application is part of the system and you should expect more rejections than before during a pandemic like the one we are living in right now. For example, the famous J.K Rowling, author of the very popular 7-novel series, Harry Potter, was rejected by 12 different publishing houses before she had a chance to sell her Harry Potter pitch. It is important to keep in mind that this pandemic is temporary and that tourism is a very important part of today’s society. That’s why Animafest offers you different internship opportunities, don’t wait, apply now!

Finding an internship in the midst of Covid-19 1

Don’t underestimate the resources of your university


Your university may have already created a plan and set up a variety of resources, such as internship opportunities or articles about alumni interviewed from previous internships, that you can use to help you in your search.

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Always keep in mind that before you, other students were in your shoes and they also had to look for an internship. Don’t be afraid to contact them and ask them a few questions about the company they worked for, how they got there and also, if they have any other advice to give you. Similarly with your professors, they too can help you because over the years they have not only helped many students find an internship, but they have also developed relationships with people who work for different companies. Personally, I found my internship at Animafest with the recommendation of one of my classmates, as well as my professor.

Should I consider a telecommuting internship?


Simply put, the answer is yes. Of course, it’s important to consider all opportunities, however, applying for telecommuting internships, such as those offered at Animafest, will greatly increase your chances of being accepted. Focus primarily on internships that are least likely to be affected by Covid-19 restrictions, as companies offering them are less likely to cancel them later when they realize that the social distancing rules will remain in effect longer than they had hoped. This was the case for many students at my university. Some of their internships were cancelled by their companies and others by the university due to restrictions, so they had to ban all internships abroad outside of Europe.

Finding an internship in the midst of Covid-19 3

Overall, the internship is a great way to apply your theoretical knowledge in the real world, while having the support of your university and tutor. Despite the pandemic and the fact that finding an internship can be more complex and difficult today, there are still many opportunities. If you can be persistent and open to the different types of opportunities you might consider, you will be able to gain valuable experience. Visit our website to see all of our internship opportunities!

With Animafest we offer marketing internsips, both face-to-face and distance learning. You can also find other kind of internship in different areas in all Spain.


For more information contact us by Whatsapp at +34 664 325 960. We are reachable from Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 17:30. we will be glad to have you.

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