Reasons why you should do your internship abroad

There are endless reasons why you should do your internship abroad but just to narrow it down here are few essential ones. Doing your internship abroad helps you gain experience in your field of study. lt helps you to have a better insight into your chosen profession through group works in the office. This experience will also enhance your resume which will differentiate you from others you’re competing with.



Secondly, it will help boost your confidence. Cultures and norms differ from country to country, hence, being in another country will allow you to learn different ways in which people work. This can be quite challenging such that it will boost your confidence and I can guarantee that after your internship abroad you will be able to tackle any challenge.

It allows you to be different from others. Studying abroad is a powerful and transformative experience that on a national scale, very few students choose to do. Add an internship abroad on top of that and you’ve not only lived in a new country, you’ve also learned about a foreign job market— thereby setting yourself apart from most of your peers. Interning abroad elicits heightened cultural immersion, and is an opportunity to gain global skillsets that you can’t get by just interning at home.

Cultural awareness is another benefit. We are living in an international job market and having a world perspective will help you relate to people in and outside of the workplace. Having global awareness will strengthen your soft skills like communication and a positive attitude.

Doing your internship abroad will help you with adaptability. Anyone who has lived or interned abroad will tell you that nothing makes you learn faster than by immersing yourself in a new country. You will quickly adapt to understand the nuances of a new culture, language, and even workplace behavior.

This is a big one, independence. Living in another country will leave you with a lot of personal responsibilities and at your command. Interning on your own gives you a very real sense of independence and empowerment.

Trial Run a Career Field. It’s hard to tell if you love your chosen career field until you experience what it’s like working in it on a day-to-day basis. An internship allows you to do a ‘test run’ while getting experience to get an idea of what you like and what you don’t like about your industry. If it ends up that you need to reevaluate what you want to focus on after graduation. You still gained some great transferable skills and you got to travel.

Don’t we all want to learn an extra language? Interning abroad improves language skills. immersing yourself in a non-English speaking country will force you to learn the language and it will help you with your fluency. This will help you fit in better.

Create an international network. You can never have too many people in your network. During your internship abroad you will make connections with your host employer, other interns, and other leaders within your industry overseas.

It is also fun! An internship abroad can be described as a lot of things such as: demanding, life-changing, thrilling, nerve-wracking, but it will also always be fun. An internship abroad is a fun adventure filled with new skills, breathtaking views, lasting friendships, and tons of memories.


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