Internships 2022: Best cities in Spain for internships


Internships 2022: Best cities in Spain for internships


Taking into account globalisation and the competitive panorama, it is a very attractive option to be able to combine the need to complete professional internships with the possibility of interacting with all kinds of people and, therefore, cultures. Spain is a great option for this type of experience, full of opportunities to acquire skills and knowledge that will help you in your personal and professional development.

However, taking into account several factors, some cities will fit better with your plans and needs for your internship. That is why we will mention some of them below, in order to help you make a decision that will undoubtedly help you discover a new perspective on the world of work.




We could not start this list without including the capital and largest and most populated city in the country. Madrid, because of its importance, is a city full of possibilities for you, from work and leisure. On the one hand, the city is characterised by the great presence of cultural life, architecture, gastronomy, tourism and even nightlife.

On the other hand, business and industrial activity is very fluid, something that became evident in 2013, when it became the Spanish autonomous community that attracts the largest number of companies. In addition, speaking in terms of mobility, it would be an option that makes things easier for you, because it has one of the best public transport networks in Europe, as well as showing a price reduction of 30% compared to the rest of the European Union in this section.



This is certainly another option with a lot of options to be considered. Currently, there is a search for an increase in the number of people with jobs in the city, something that has occurred jointly between the public and private sectors.

It is also the 4th most preferred city globally to work in, according to a survey of 197 countries. It is also a good option to find a balance between work and personal life, not only because of the cultural offer, but also because of the variety of events, landscapes and nightlife. Moreover, you don’t need to know Catalan to do your internship in Barcelona. Everyone speaks here spanish aswell



The Andalusian city’s most representative employment sectors are retail trade, public administration, the hotel and catering industry, agriculture, livestock and fishing, and health and social services. In addition, the labour supply is increasing in this city.

In this respect, between April and June of this year, it has become the leading city in job creation, with 102,400 new job offers and 10,300 internships found.

On the other hand, it is also a good option for practically any type of entertainment, from cultural tourism (8 of its monuments are considered by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites), coastal tourism (with a coastline that exceeds 800 kilometres in length), its natural parks (20% of the territory is made up of natural spaces, with 22 natural parks and 8 biosphere reserves) to its gastronomy.




If your area of interest and training is related to the tourism and hotel sector, Ibiza will be one of the best cities to consider, due to the large number of hotels in the area.

However, you will have to consider some important factors, for example, your knowledge of languages will be very important, due to the varied tourism on the island.

At the same time, the cost of living can be a little high, but it also has a slightly higher salary.

It could also be a good reason to enjoy the beaches, water sports, parties and the opportunity to meet people from all over the world.



This is a great option, as in addition to offering cheaper accommodation prices compared to larger cities, with a difference of 15% compared to Barcelona and Madrid, it is also characterised by its warm climate, its gastronomy, its nightlife and its beaches. Likewise, it has many advantages in terms of its connections both within Spain and to Europe, something that we can complement with its good distribution of space, presenting an optimal size that facilitates mobility around the city.

Finally, as well as being a welcoming city, it has recently shown a decrease in its unemployment rate, with a tendency to maintain this decrease.


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