Internship : How much does it cost to live in Spain


Internship : How much does it cost to live in Spain

Spain is a very popular destination not only to visit, but also to live, and the reasons are many. Of course, we will mention the warm weather almost all year round, the excellent Mediterranean gastronomy and the pleasantness of the Spanish society. What is also very interesting is that despite the high standard of living, the cost of living in Spain is quite low. In fact, it tends to be one of the cheapest countries in Western Europe, being the 3rd cheapest country to live in the region.

To give you an idea, the cost of living in Madrid is 45% cheaper than in the city of London. In this article, we present you a list of the main general expenses that you should take into account if you are planning to move to Spain.


How much is the minimum wage in Spain?

InternshipTo begin with, the first thing you should know if you plan to move to Spain is how much you can earn as an employee. Of course this depends on the type of job, so here we only give you the data concerning the minimum wage, which is currently fixed at 965 euros.

In this case, if you are interested in knowing the minimum interprofessional wage per hour, it is equivalent to 7,40 €. According to the Spanish Government, negotiations are provided for a new increase in the minimum wage in 2022, increasing it progressively until it reaches 1,050 euros per month and that in principle would have retroactive effect from January 1.


How much does it cost to stay in Spain?

Considering the low cost of living in Spain, rental prices depend largely on the locationInternship you choose. For example, in a city like Madrid or Barcelona you would have to pay between 660 and 880 euros per month if you want to live alone, and if you share the apartment or apartment with other people, it would be between 200 and 400 euros. Madrid and Barcelona, of course, are places where rents will be much more expensive than Alicante, Valencia or Seville, for example.

As for the cost of utilities, this depends on consumption, the size of the house or apartment and the season.


How much is spent on food in Spain?

Another factor contributing to the low cost of living in Spain is the fact that food and groceries are quite affordable. It is no secret that Spain is a country with a strong agricultural industry and produces many local products, including cheeses and wines. Therefore, it is easy to buy a decent bottle of wine for around 5 €, and taste local beers (0.5ml) for as little as 0.8 €.

If you are looking to save money, we suggest you shop at the Mercadona and Lidl supermarket chains, as your shopping there will be cheap compared to the other supermarkets. Expect to spend approximately 40 to 50 euros per week on groceries at the supermarket.


How to get around in Spain ?

InternshipSpain has an excellent public transportation system. Almost all major Spanish cities have subway systems. In addition, there are bus systems, intercity buses and high-speed trains. A one-way bus ticket should cost you around 1,50 €. A monthly public transport pass costs between 35 – 45 Euros depending on the city. As you can see, Spain has a system that makes traveling around the country easy and economical.


And the other overheads to consider

As for communication, then it really depends on the plan you prefer. Many Spaniards opt for an all-inclusive plan, which includes telephone, internet and television. These types of packages cost between €30 and €50 per month.

As for a phone plan that includes unlimited calls and SMS, plus 15 Gb to surf the internet, you can find at 10-20 euros per month. The monthly fee for a gym depends on the category of the gym, but generally, for between 30 and 40 euros you can sign up for a gym that has everything you need.

As for leisure, if you like movies, 2 tickets in normal session costs 16 Euros. 2 theater tickets (in the best seats available) 46 Euros.

As you can see, Spain has a lot to offer in an affordable way, being an important factor if you are a student or traveling to the country for an internship.

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