Internship 2022 : Get ready for your first day of practice


Internship 2022 : Get ready for your first day of practice


Did you just get an internship? Congratulations! And now you are about to start this new experience, being an amazing opportunity for self-questioning and strengthening your character, your skills, and undertaking an important step in your professional career path.


InternshipFor all students, internships represent an opportunity to learn, grow and apply the knowledge acquired, and at the same time this experience increases the possibility of getting the ideal job once you finish your studies. In other words, internships are an excellent way to explore professional strengths and weaknesses, and also allow you to focus on your interests and skills, targeting the career path that best suits you.

Now, maybe it’s your first day and now what? You start to feel nervous about the unexpected and you’re not sure if you’re doing things right or what the next step is. Well, there are definitely some things to keep in mind before starting your internship. But what?

During your first day, you’re going to meet your new teammates, also make a good impression, set up your workspace, and be ready to apply the rules and embrace the company culture.


For starters, not all internships are the same; and not everyone takes this experience in the same way. While some go all out to do their best and approach the internship in a completely professional manner,Internship others take a less serious and relaxed approach.

That said, what kind of intern are you? How have you decided to approach your internship experience? If you are organized, you will prepare as far in advance as possible in order to make a good impression on your team.
For starters, smile, be friendly and give a brief introduction of yourself, providing the team with information about your studies and work history.
On the other hand, do your best to be clear about what your role and tasks will be, what the company expects from you from the first day and what the team you are going to join does. Ideally, all these questions should have been made clear during the interview process.

Before you start your internship, always adopt a professional mindset to ensure that you are setting yourself up for success. Adopting a professional mindset includes preparing a proper work closet, practicing workplace etiquette and asking a mentor, colleague or someone with experience can help.


InternshipKeep in mind that your colleagues or your boss are there to help you, which is part of their job description, i.e., answering questions from new hires.
Everyone who is new to a company has a lot to learn and asking those questions at the beginning of your assignment will help you avoid mistakes in the future. In fact, asking questions leaves a good impression on your superiors, since they will be happy to know that you are interested and that you are looking to prepare yourself as well as possible for your new job.
So be prepared to take notes with pen and paper, don’t even think about using your phone. Write down as much as you can, so you will remember everything and avoid asking questions again.
You will see how this little bit of advance planning, which doesn’t require much effort, will benefit you in the long run. It will help reduce awkward surprises on the first day and also prepare you to positively impress your superiors.

Don’t be afraid to get the answers you need to feel confident and happy on the first day. And remember the very true expression that there is no second chance to make a good first impression.

I hope these tips help you feel more confident for the first day of your new internship. And if you haven’t found your internship yet, visit our Animafest page and register.


Register on our website and do your internship with us.


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