Internship 2022 : What to do in your free time during your internships: find out the best viewpoints in Barcelona 


Internship 2022 : What to do in your free time during your internships: find out the best viewpoints in Barcelona

The beautiful city of Barcelona has many hidden places to enjoy the peace and splendor of this place in your free time of internships, you can find from gardens to neighborhoods with squares that make you feel like you’re in a movie, however among the most peculiar places we found are little known viewpoints and from which you can see the great architecture and design of the city.


Horta viewpoint

internshipVery close to the Horta viewpoint is a tree with a swing, a panoramic view of the city, an ecological walk and a good time with your friends can offer you this place. However, it is worth mentioning that since it is not a very crowded place, it is possible that you will not find the swing, because sometimes the piece of wood is damaged or missing, but that does not prevent you from enjoying the feeling of flying over the city.


How to get to the lookout point?

If you take your own car the easiest way is to use Google Maps and put “Mirador de Horta”, on the other hand if you go by public transport, bus 45 and 102 will serve you, get off at the stop Tanatori de la Vall d’Hebron and from there we walk about 15 minutes to the entrance of the viewpoint. Doing the internship here is easy to find your way around, the locals are very friendly, you can also download the metro app on your cell phone so you don’t get lost…


When you are in the parking lot of the Mirador d’Horta, you take the path to the right where you cross the road, at the beginning of the mountain on the road there is a sign that says “el forat del vent”. It is a steep road for about 10 to 15 minutes, you will find a pine tree halfway up the road, however the pine tree you are looking for is a little higher, it is right there where the swing is and enjoy the magnificent view!


H&M Terrace

In this clothing store you will have a magical place from which to observe the city, it is the H & M locatedinternship in Passeig de Gràcia in the Generali Building. When you are taking an internship with Animafest it is common to find yourself in the center, so everything will be close by.


You enter the store and to the right you will see some stairs, about halfway down the floor you will find a sign that says “Terrace”, just go to where the arrow indicates and voila! Welcome to this splendid view…


SkyBar Barcelona

To access this place you must book, but it is very simple, you can do it through the website of the place, if service is from Friday to Sunday from 16:00 to 23:00, you can enjoy a cocktail while you feel and see Barcelona at your feet. This wonderful place is located in via Laietana, 30. Have a good cocktail after finishing your working hours of internship and relax at the sight of Barcelona.


The Barcelona Edition

internshipThis is a five star, boutique luxury lifestyle hotel located at 14 Francesc Cambó Avenue, next to the Picasso Museum and the Gothic Cathedral of Barcelona, with more than 100 rooms that promise to be better or equal to the comfort of home, however at this point what catches our attention is its bar located on the terrace, from the top floor you can enjoy a beer, a cocktail or a whiskey on the rocks while you watch the city, it is a splendid view day and night, day you see the perfect pictures of the streets and at night you see how the city is illuminated simulating being in a starry sky.


It’s time to travel and take your internship in Barcelona so you can explore its incredible streets, climb mountains and enjoy the view, see a magnificent sunset on the beach and go to the Terrazas while you feel the owner of the world and the city is at your feet to offer you unforgettable moments.


Have fun!

Register on our website and do your internship with us.



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