What are the benefits of doing an online internship in 2023?

What are the benefits of doing an online internship?

We live in times, in which technology is evolving faster then ever. If you are looking into taking the first steps of your professional career in an international environment, online would be a great start. The benefits of working remotely are endless. From flexibility, to improving your self control, doing a remote internship will bring you many positive qualities that you can later apply to your CV and get an advantage over the rest of the candidates. 

What is it all about?

First, a little bit more about what the online internship for Animafest would look like. It is a marketing internship, where you can improve your skills in creating logos, improving our website, as well as many others. You can find more information about the rest of the tasks, on our website. You also have the freedom to choose when you start the internship and for how long. It is entirely up to you.

Your internship, your choice

If you are currently studying in the field of Hospitality or Business Administration, working in an international environment can contribute greatly to your development. Some of the many benefits you will get are: improve your teamwork and communication with people from different nations, as well as learn more about their culture. A huge plus of doing an online internship is that you gain great experience in the field, allowing you to be anywhere in the world. You could be on the coach at home, or at the beach in Miami. It really doesn’t matter as long as you have access to a laptop and internet connection.


 internship online


The future work environment 

Technology is the future of our world. Working online, will get more and more popular. Even now, after the COVID-19 pandemic, people are refusing to go back to the office. During the pandemic they got used to working remotely and ended up actually preferring it then going to work physically. Many employees say that they get more work done at home, for a shorter amount of time.
They also say they don’t lose time in transportation from and to the office. Some even say that they don’t want to see their colleges, as they don’t like each other.
Since, a lot of employees refuse to go back to the office, some companies have adopted a hybrid work model. This means that people can work both from home and at the office. Keeping this in mind, working online will be preferred also by employers  in the near future. This is due the fact that companies can reduce their expenses from renting or buying office places, electricity costs and so on.


So, if you decide on doing an online internship for Animafest you will gain advantages above other future professionals in the industry. You will already have the training and experience in working remotely, which other might lack. Especially, the professionals from older generations, which are not used to using technology to such extend. They will be replaced by the younger professionals, having excellent on the always evolving technology. 


Turning challenges into a positive 

Working remotely can also have some challenges. It is important that you create a workspace for yourself, where you can concentrate and be productive. It is challenging to stay motivated, as it is very easy to get distracted at home, either from the environment itself or by the people around you. By doing an online internship, you will learn to stay focused and get work done without procrastination. You also learn and often enjoy the feeling of responsibility. Once your tasks for the day have been assigned, you feel obliged to them and not let the rest of the team down, as they relay on you getting the job done. To find more about the pros and cons of working remotely you can click here


What are the benefits of doing an online internship in 2023? 1

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