Why would you do an internship at the bar/restaurant?


Why would you do an internship at the bar/restaurant?

Doing an internship in general, has endless benefits. Doing an internship in the restaurant/bar department will teach you not only how to prepare and serve beverages and some dishes, but it will also improve your communication with customers as well as the rest of the team. Even if this is not the direction in which you would like to develop your career it can still be very useful in your personal life. Everyone appreciates a good cocktail. If you are looking to gain some experience in the industry you should strongly consider doing an internship at the bar\restaurant. 


What you will learn during your internship

At the bar/restaurants the work pace is very quick, since customer satisfaction is of great importance. When guests have to wait long to receive their order, their satisfaction is very likely to drop, even if they receive the best product possible. Due to this, very often there is no time for being polite between your colleagues. When the bar/restaurant is functioning at full capacity, sometimes there might be no time for “thank you”, “please” and “ you are welcome”. This by any means does not mean that your contribution is not appreciated or that your colleagues do not like you. There is no time to lose and the goal is always to make and keep the guests happy. You will also learn how to prepare beverages and serve them. Sometimes you might also have to prepare some small snacks. During the internship, learning how to work in a team is also something you will learn. It is crucial, since you depend on someone to do your job and vice versa. There are many other things you will learn, or improve at during your internship.


The benefits from an Internship

The fact that you will gain experience in the bar\restaurant industry is a given. Besides that there are many benefits as well. For instance, you will meet new people from all over the world, with which you can form close connections and lifelong friendships. The importance of networking is also very significant. By doing an internship you get to know professionals in the industry. In the future you will be able to contact me in case you need a job, or even just advice. During your internship you will also explore the country and the culture in which you are located. You will get to try the local cuisine as well as learn some of the language. Besides all that you will be able to make some extra money on the side, since most internships are paid. To find even more of the benefits of doing an internship, please visit the following website. 


Internship with Animafest

Animafest offers internships all over Spain. Some of the positions that we offer are at reception, animation, kitchen, bar/restaurant and others. Some of the duties in the bar/kitchen department are application of hygienic-sanitary rules and conditions in catering, provisioning, beverages and fast food, preparation of mixed alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and others. All of the positions are full time positions. Accommodation, payment and meals are provided, however it may vary between the different locations. You might be eligible for the Erasmus plus grant, however this needs to be clarified with the school you are currently enrolled in. The minimum language proficiency required is B1 in Spanish and B2 in English. To contact us or get more information you can visit our website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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