Restaurant in Spain 2023 – Sipping the Spirit of Spain: Tales from a Bar and restaurant Intern’s Adventure

Restaurant in Spain - intern's adventures.

Sipping the Spirit of Spain: Tales from a Bar and restaurant Intern’s Adventure


As a bar and restaurant intern in Spain, you embark on an exciting adventure that immerses you in the rich culture and culinary traditions of the country.

Working in a bar and restaurant in Spain exposes you to people from all walks of life.

You interact with locals and tourists alike, exchanging stories and experiences.

You learn important things for the entire industry as well. 


Internship Experience

Spain is renowned for its cocktail culture, and as a bar intern, you have the opportunity to learn the art of mixology from skilled bartenders.

You discover the secrets behind creating classic Spanish cocktails like the refreshing Sangria, the invigorating Tinto de Verano, and the sophisticated Gin Tonic.

Under their guidance, you develop your skills in crafting delicious and visually appealing drinks that captivate customers.

Spain boasts an impressive array of wines, each with its own unique characteristics and regional influences.

As part of your internship, you dive into the world of Spanish wines, discovering the different grape varieties and wine regions.

You learn how to recommend the perfect wine to complement different dishes, expanding your knowledge of the intricate relationship between food and wine.

Restaurant in Spain - intern's adventures.


Tapas are an integral part of Spanish cuisine, and you get to experience the art of tapas firsthand.

You work closely with the kitchen team, observing and assisting in the preparation of traditional tapas dishes like patatas bravas, croquetas, and gambas al ajillo.

You learn about the importance of quality ingredients, precise cooking techniques, and the presentation of these small plates that showcase the diverse flavors of Spanish gastronomy.

Spain is known for its vibrant festivals, and as an intern, you get to witness and participate in these lively celebrations.

From the colorful La Mercè Festival to the spirited Sant Jordi’s Day, you experience the joy and energy that fills the city during these special occasions.

Working in a bar or restaurant during these festivals exposes you to unique traditions, special menus, and the infectious enthusiasm of both locals and visitors.

The culinary scene is known for its innovative and experimental approach to food.

As an intern, you work alongside talented chefs and restaurateurs who push the boundaries of traditional cuisine.

You witness their creative process, from conceptualizing new dishes to sourcing local and seasonal ingredients.

This exposure inspires you to think outside the box, igniting your own culinary creativity. 

Restaurant in Spain - intern's adventures.

Memorable Experiences

Throughout your internship, you encounter memorable moments that make your experience truly special.

It could be witnessing a couple’s engagement celebration, being part of a team that successfully handles a busy night, or receiving heartfelt compliments from satisfied customers.

These moments remind you of the joy and satisfaction that comes with working in the hospitality industry and leave a lasting imprint on your journey.

You will also make strong connections with the rest of your team, since you work very closely together.

After work you most likely will spend your free time together as well.

In that way strong bonds and lifelong friendships are built.

Forming friendships with some guests are also possible, even though it is less likely than with colleagues.

Restaurant in Spain - intern's adventures.

Internship with Animafest

Animafest offers internships all over Spain in different departments of the hospitality industry.

During your internship with us accommodation, meals and monthly compensation are provided.

All of the positions offered are full time positions.

The language proficiency required is B1 in Spanish and B2 in English.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us by WhatsApp or email.


To find more information about us and our internships, please visit our website.

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