Visit Basque Country with our internship in Spain 2024

Basque Country: A Land of Language, Culture, and Change


The Basque Country is a place in the north of Spain. It has its own language and a strong history. The land has hills, mountains, and a big ocean. It is split into three parts. Each part has its own good things like good wine and a big city.

internship in basque country

People there talk and write in a different way. The language is old and has no family. Efforts to keep the language have been big. In the land, people do old and new things together. They have big parties with dance and music. The land is also big in sports and has a top-class food scene.

The land’s money comes from a few different places like making things. It is now trying new things like tech and green power. The big city has changed a lot from making things to art. The land can make choices on its own. Some want more power, and some want to leave Spain.

The Evolution of the Basque Country: From Factories to Art

The Basque Country is strong and good, but it has hard things too. It looks to the past and plans for what is next.

The Basque language, known as Euskara, is key to Basque life. It is very old and not like other languages. The Basque people hold on to their culture while adding new things. They have old music and dances and like games. The food in the Basque Country is well-known, with lots of good places to eat.

The Basque Country’s money comes from many places, like big business, tech, and making things. Bilbao, the biggest city, changed from big factories to arts and new things when the Guggenheim Museum opened in 1997.

The Basque Country has its own rules and its own leader, the Basque Government. It has power over schools, health, and taxes. A lot of Basque folks want more power or to leave Spain. Some groups support this while others want to stay in Spain.

The Basque Country has things to work on, like fair money, laws, and saving its talk and way of life. There used to be a group named ETA that fought for self-rule, but they stopped in 2011.

landscape of basque country
The Unique Identity of the Basque Region: History, Culture, and Modernity

The Basque Land, up north Spain and west France, is different from its nearby places. Here’s some special things about it:

  1. Language: Basque talk, Euskara, is old and like no other. It’s part of what makes the Basque people who they are. They also talk Spanish and French.
  2. Land: The Basque place has seasides, green valleys, and big hills in the Pyrenees.
  3. Culture and Ways: Basque stuff, like pelota and country games, sets them apart. They also love dance, song, and stories.
  4. Food: Basque food is good and new. They like pintxos and make great cider and wine.
  5. Money Strength: The Basque place is rich with business in making stuff and tech. Big companies, like Mondragon, make it powerful
  6. Self-rule: In Spain, the Basque place has its own rules and leaders. This came from tough talks and fights, and a group that used force called ETA, who stopped in 2011.
  7. Parties and Times: The Basque place has big events like the Great Week in Bilbao and San Sebastián, and the drum show in San Sebastián.
  8. Old Spots: The Basque place has old caves, old town parts, and cool sites like the Guggenheim.
  9. Sport Love: They like football a lot. Two big teams come from there. They only pick players from Basque Land for their games.
  10. Who They Are: The Basque feel proud of who they are. This is seen in how they do things and in how they do their rules.


In sum, the Basque Country is a place with lots of culture, strong money, and a big say in things. Its talk, ways, and new money make it a cool part of Spain with its own look and a push for the future. If you want to know more about how to do your internship in Spain visit our website Animafest experience

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