A Culinary Journey: My Internship in a Spanish Kitchen


A Culinary Journey: My Internship in a Spanish Kitchen

Entering the vibrant  Spanish kitchen, I embarked on a culinary journey that would forever shape my understanding of gastronomy. As an aspiring chef, my internship in a Spanish kitchen promised to immerse me in the rich tapestry of flavors, techniques, and traditions that define the country’s renowned cuisine.


During my Journey

From the moment I stepped  into the kitchen, I was captivated by the energy and passion that filled the air. The tantalizing aroma of sizzling ingredients and the rhythmic symphony of pots and pans set the stage for my culinary education. I quickly realized that Spanish cuisine was more than just food—it was a celebration of culture, history, and the art of creating unforgettable dining experiences. I knew there was a lot to be learned during my internship. Under the guidance of great chefs, I began my journey by delving into the foundations of Spanish gastronomy. I learned about the diverse regional influences that shape the cuisine, from the  flavors of Andalusia to the seafood-rich dishes of Galicia. Each region had its unique ingredients, techniques, and culinary heritage, providing a mosaic of flavors that reflected the country’s rich history and geography. As I tried my skills in the kitchen, I discovered that Spanish cuisine was characterized by simplicity and a deep respect for ingredients. The emphasis on quality produce and the use of minimal seasonings allowed the natural flavors to shine through. I learned to appreciate the beauty of a perfectly ripe tomato or the rich intensity of a well-aged cheese, recognizing that sometimes the most memorable dishes were those that celebrated the essence of a single ingredient. The kitchen became my classroom, and the chefs, my mentors. They shared their knowledge and expertise, guiding me through traditional cooking techniques that had been passed down through generations. From mastering the art of making sofrito—the aromatic base of many Spanish dishes—to perfecting the intricate process of paella, I learned that patience, precision, and a genuine love for the craft were essential ingredients in creating culinary masterpieces. Collaboration was of great importance to my internship experience. Working alongside talented chefs and passionate cooks, I witnessed the power of teamwork and the synergy that arises when individuals come together to pursue a common goal. Together, we navigated the fast-paced kitchen environment, supporting and learning from one another, and celebrating each culinary success as a collective achievement.



The benefits besides the skills learned

One of the highlights of my internship was exploring the vibrant local markets. Accompanied by the chefs, I reveled in the kaleidoscope of colors and aromas, discovering an abundance of fresh produce, aromatic spices, and artisanal products. Engaging with local vendors and understanding the seasonality of ingredients not only deepened my appreciation for the culinary treasures of Spain but also instilled in me a sense of respect for the land, the farmers, and the interconnectedness of the food ecosystem. I also got to explore Spain and its many wonders. Making friends during my internship was also a huge benefit . I got to talk to locals and get to know their culture better. Languages are of great importance. I got to improve my Spanish and got almost perfectly fluent. Fluent in Spanish, I was able to communicate with the kitchen staff, engage in conversations about recipes and techniques, and truly immerse myself in the culinary culture. I found that the shared language facilitated not only the exchange of knowledge but also the formation of deep connections and friendships with my colleagues. 


Internship with Animafest

We offer internships all over Spain. We require a minimum language proficiency  in English of B2 and Spanish B1. It is a full time position. Monthly payment, accommodation and meals are provided. You may also be eligible for the Erasmus plus grant. The different positions have different daily tasks which may increase your understanding of the industry. If you would like to find out more about our internships, please visit our website.



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