Animafest Internship in Spain: Exploring Spanish Markets 2024

Flexible and Enriching Internships at Animafest: A Career Springboard

Animafest offers internship opportunities for students who want to explore new career paths while immersing themselves in Spanish culture. With numerous sectors including marketing hospitality and education. Interns gain hands-on experience in dynamic environments. These placements offer insights into local business operations. At the same time, facilitating proficiency in the Spanish language.

Participants start with a comprehensive orientation session. They receive all necessary information about their roles and tasks. Additionally interns are assigned mentors. These are individuals who guide them throughout their placement. The mentors provide support and answer any questions. This ensures a smooth transition into the professional environment.

One significant benefit of Animafest internships is their flexibility. These cater to the current global situation and personal preferences.

 Interns are encouraged to network. They can build connections with professionals in their chosen fields. Animafest facilitates events and workshops. These contribute to professional growth. Events range from sector-specific seminars to social gatherings.

Upon completion of the internship students receive a certificate of participation. This serves as evidence of their experience and can be a valuable addition to their resumes. Exploring Spanish markets through Animafest internships not only enhances career prospects but also provides immersive cultural experiences.


Animafest is international animation festival that showcases creative talent. It also provides unique cultural immersion experiences through internships. For interns participating in Animafest exploring Spanish markets such as La Boqueria in Barcelona. El Rastro in Madrid offers blend of culinary delight and cultural enrichment


  1. Cultural Immersion:

– Understand local culture and traditions through market visits.

– Experience vibrant atmosphere. Engage with local vendors and shoppers.

  1. Culinary Exploration:

– Discover variety of Spanish foods. And ingredients.

– Learn about traditional Spanish cuisine food preparation techniques.

  1. Creative Inspiration:

– Find inspiration for animation projects through colorful and dynamic settings of markets.

– Observe and document lively interactions and visual aesthetics. Of the markets.

Integration into the Internship:

Workshops and Discussions:

Host workshops where interns can share their experiences. Insights from market visits help everyone grow.

Discuss how market environment can influence animation projects. It can also inspire new ideas.

Project Development:

– Encourage interns to incorporate elements from their market explorations into animation projects.

– Provide opportunities. Collaborative projects can reflect cultural and culinary themes observed at the markets.


Exploring La Boqueria and El Rastro as part of Animafest internship offers unique opportunity for cultural immersion culinary discovery and creative inspiration. These market visits can significantly enhance interns’ understanding of Spanish culture. They provide rich source of ideas for their animation projects.

La Boqueria, Barcelona



La Boqueria is historic market located on La Rambla. This is Barcelona’s most famous street. Known for its wide variety of fresh produce. Meats seafood and tapas bars are also abundant here. It is haven for food enthusiasts and a perfect spot for cultural immersion.


  1. Market Tour:

– Guided tour to understand history and significance of La Boqueria.

– Interaction with vendors. Learn about their products and daily routines.

  1. Culinary Workshops:

– Participate in cooking classes to learn how to prepare traditional Catalan dishes.

– Tasting sessions to experience the flavors of local delicacies. Experience jamón ibérico. Enjoy seafood and various cheeses.

  1. Creative Sessions:

– Sketch and photograph vibrant market scenes for use in animation projects.

– Note market’s architectural details. And the colorful displays for visual reference.

History and Significance:

La Boqueria officially known as Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria, is one of Barcelona’s oldest and most renowned markets. Established in 13th century. It has evolved into a gastronomic paradise.

Culinary Delights:

  1. Fresh Produce: The market is treasure trove of fresh fruits vegetables and herbs. They are often displayed in vibrant and artistic arrangements
  2. Seafood: Being a coastal city, Barcelona boasts an array. Fresh seafood at La Boqueria. This ranges from oysters and mussels. There is also octopus and prawns.
  3. Meats and Cheeses: Jamón ibérico chorizo and variety of Spanish cheeses are staples.
  4. Tapas Bars: Several stalls double as tapas bars. They offer dishes. Patatas bravas. Tortilla española. And fresh seafood tapas.

Cultural Experience:

– Architecture: The market’s iron and glass structure is marvel. It reflects Modernist style prominent in Barcelona.

– Interaction: Engaging with local vendors provides rich experience. Tasting samples showcases diverse flavors. Witness bustling activity. It offers insight. It shows Catalan way of life.

El Rastro, Madrid


  1. Market Exploration:

– Wander through stalls to discover unique antiques collectibles and art pieces.

– Engage with street performers. Observe their routines for potential animation ideas.

  1. Street Food Sampling:

– Try various street foods such as churros with chocolate. Bocadillos and Spanish pastries.

– Visit nearby tapas bars to taste classic Spanish dishes like gambas al ajillo. And croquetas.

  1. Cultural Documentation:

– Capture the lively ambiance through sketches photographs. Take notes.

– Document diverse interactions. Notice cultural expressions observed at market.

History and Significance:

El Rastro held every Sunday and public holiday. Madrid’s most famous open-air flea market. Its origins date back to 18th century. It is situated in La Latina neighborhood.

Culinary Delights:

  1. Street Food: While primarily known for antiques and second-hand goods El Rastro has plethora of street food stalls. Churros with chocolate are popular. Bocadillos (sandwiches) are widely enjoyed. Spanish pastries also attract many visitors.

With our internship discover Bocadillos if you have the luck to try

  1. Tapas Bars: The surrounding areas are dotted with traditional tapas bars. They offer classics. Gambas al ajillo. Garlic shrimp is a favorite. Croquetas are another staple.


  1. Local Specialties: You can also find regional specialties from all over Spain. This makes diverse culinary experience.


Cultural Experience:

– Antiques and Collectibles: Beyond food El Rastro is famous for its wide range of antiques clothing and unique collectibles. This provides window into Spanish history. And culture. Internship Internship

– Street Performers: Musicians artists and performers add to the market. This creates lively atmosphere. It makes the market a hub. A hub of cultural expression. Internship

Comparison and Conclusion

While La Boqueria is haven for food lovers it focuses on fresh produce and gourmet experiences. El Rastro provides broader cultural journey. Its mix includes street food. Antiques and vibrant street life are present too. Both markets are essential visits. Anyone looking to immerse themselves in the culinary and cultural richness of Spain should go. Whether it’s savoring fresh seafood in Barcelona. Or exploring the eclectic mix of goods in Madrid these markets offer snapshot of the country’s diverse heritage and contemporary life.

Apply here!


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