Canary Islands: Best Place To Do Internship & Vacation

Canary Islands: Internship and Vacation

Canary Islands, best place to do internship and vacation


If you’re looking for a unique and exciting place to do an internship and enjoy a vacation, look no further than the Canary Islands in Spain. This archipelago is a popular tourist destination, but it’s also a great place to gain professional experience and explore new cultures.




About the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are located off the northwest coast of Africa, but they are an autonomous region of Spain. The islands are known for their warm weather, beautiful beaches, and stunning natural landscapes. They are also a hub for industries such as tourism, renewable energy, and agriculture, making them an ideal location for internships in a variety of fields.


One of the best things about interning in the Canary Islands is the opportunity to immerse yourself in Spanish culture. While Spanish is the official language, the islands have a unique cultural blend due to their location and history. You can experience traditional Spanish customs and cuisine, but also enjoy influences from Africa and South America.


During your free time, there are endless activities to enjoy in the Canary Islands. The islands are home to numerous national parks and protected areas, where you can hike, bike, or explore the unique flora and fauna. You can also take advantage of the many beaches and water sports, such as surfing, snorkelling, and scuba diving. And if you’re interested in nightlife, the islands have a vibrant scene with plenty of bars, clubs, and live music venues.




About the internship

In terms of accommodations, it is provided and you do not have to worry about it. You will get to gain experience in your desired field. Other skills you can further develop for yourself are language skills, as well as improve your teamwork abilities. 


Overall, interning in the Canary Islands is a great way to gain valuable professional experience while enjoying a unique cultural and recreational experience. With its warm weather, beautiful scenery, and vibrant culture, the Canary Islands are truly a one-of-a-kind destination for internships and vacations alike.


Animafest offers internships all over Spain. Different positions are available, such as working at reception, animation, bar/restaurant and kitchen. If you are interested in any of those positions please do not hesitate to contact us. You can find our contact details here, as well as more information about us. Our positions are full time and meals, accommodation and monthly compensation are available. The minimum language proficiency is B1 in Spanish and B2 in English. We would be glad to assist you with anything you might need. 

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