Erasmus internship Spain Malaga 2021

erasmus internship in spain malaga

As the restaurant and hotels start reopening after the COVID 19 crisis, here at Animafest we are already offering you new internships in Spain

If you are interested in doing an internship in the fields of animation, restaurant, reception, bar, or any other internship that could be done in a hotel or restaurant read this article! Indeed, we have a lot of opportunities starting from the month of September! You will have the opportunity to do your internship everywhere in Spain!

Moreover, if you are looking to discover Spain and the Hispanic culture of the « costa del sol » then it’s perfect because in this article we are offering you a unique internship experience in Malaga. Let’s focus on Malaga and la costa del sol!


Why you should do your internship in Malaga?


First of all, as you can tell by the name of the region where is situated Malaga, la costa del sol, which literally means the sunshine coast, is a pretty sunny and warm place in the very south of Spain! You can enjoy more than 320 days of sunshine per year! And if you’re lucky to be there for a clear day you will be able to see out some mountains on the Rif mountain range (in Africa) and the Strait of Gibraltar.

Malaga is the main city in the region and is called the new Barcelona! The reason why it’s because Malaga is also a multi-cultural city with a lot of historical places and a lot of modern ones too.  Malaga offers so many things that it’s sure that you will find something perfect for you there, form the beaches to the many museums in the city, there is always something to do.

Here are some of the best things to see in Malaga

The first is obviously the beaches! There is a lot of them, and each is very unique! If you want to have a little foretaste of them click on that link.

Malaga city Spain

The “Calle Larios”, this street is an equivalent of the fifth avenue but in the Spanish way! This street is always busy with a lot of celebration going on and a lot of shops where you can buy anything. It’s definitely a place to go.

The “Manquita”, is the cathedral of Malaga and it’s a very unique one because it was built during a different period of time so the architecture takes inspiration from the gothic to the renaissance. 

If you want to visit the museum, Malaga has a total of 36 museums! But some of the most famous are the Picasso museum, the Pompidou museum, and the rando museum. 

Centre Pompidou malaga

Food and drinks! Okay, it’s not really something to see but if you come to Malaga you have to taste the traditional food. Be sure to try the pescaito frito, it’s an assortment of fried fish such as red mullet and sardines. Bodegas, which are pubs or wine bars that serve local Malaga wine directly from the barrel, are also must-tries


Why you should do your internship with Animafest?


At Animafest we’re offering a wide range of internships, like as in animation, reception, bar, restaurant… in one of our partner hotels in Malaga for the months of September, October, November, and December. 

Indeed, we offer you the opportunity to work with an international company which will allow you to progress in languages (Spanish of course but also English and others). With this internship, you will be able to meet new people and discover a new culture. We will provide you accommodation, meals, and even remuneration. 

If you want to see some offers that we have, click here.

The internship in Spain is a great asset to your curriculum! So don’t hesitate any longer. 

Erasmus internship Spain Malaga 2021 1

If you are a motivated student who wants to acquire new skills, we suggest you embark on an adventure. Register on the page and to contact us via our WhatsApp +34 697 184 146 if you want to be part of an internship or if you just want more information.  We are waiting for you!


And by the way, if you are a company, a restaurant, or a hotel and you would like to receive this year’s international interns for online virtual internships to promote your activities, please visit our collaboration page. We explain how to collaborate with us so that we can publish your internship offers on our platform.

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