International Theatre Day: 27 March 2020

Today is March 27th and if you didn’t know it, it’s world-day theatre. Created in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute, Theatre


many events are organised by artists and institutes from around the world to celebrate this day. And the main activity of the day is the “international message”. Every year, an important personality is called upon to share his thoughts on the field of theatre and on international harmony. This message is translated into more than 50 languages for thousands of viewers and exhibited in many international newspapers.

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What a wonderful activity the theatre! It goes back to ancient Greece, known for its tragedies and comedies. The Greek representations were of sacred origin, as they were related to the worship of Dionysus, god of the pleasure of the festivities. Among the Romans, Bacchus was honoured and the performances were made politically during the famous Roman Games or important ceremonies. Although the Roman pieces there is a more important décor than among the Greeks, the scene remains relatively empty leaving room only for the actors, who at the time were only men and who all wear a mask.

As the theatre moves in France to the Middle Ages with street shows and comedies. We will see the birth of the French tragedy, the French comedy or the classicism that will introduce very strict rules in the theatre. Of which the top three:
The rule of propriety: no violent or shocking action on stage
The rule of plausibility: the characters must be credible and the logic of the situation must be respected
The rule of the three units: “That in one place, in one day, a single fait accompli holds until the end the theatre filled. »

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Today the theatre no longer follow these rules and this name has spread to many fields of activity. We no longer necessarily play in theatres, but also in the street and contemporary theatre knows an increasingly fine border with other artistic activities such as dance or circus. You want to become an animator, taking lessons could be beneficial to you, most actors and people of the show take them. This will help you get on stage and be more comfortable in front of people. Put yourself in the shoes of any character and farewell your shyness.

As an animator, you will be taken to meet a large number of people with so many different nationalities, but also to facilitate a lot of daily activities. It is a very addictive profession where it is necessary to have energy to spare and to love human contact. This will allow you to learn to approach and adapt to the different personalities you will come across more easily.

International Theatre Day: 27 March 2020 3

By taking theatre classes you will not only be able to open up a little more to others and therefore approach customers more easily, but this will also be useful when creating shows. Indeed, as an animator, and the more you evolve, you will be led to take part and create shows for hotel guests. Taking courses will develop your creativity and allow you to be more comfortable.

If this article made you want to discover this wonderful activity that is the theatre or you want to become an animator, we invite you to register for free on our website! We offer year-round internships housed, fed and paid in hotels all over Spain! So don’t hesitate and sign up quickly to find your internship as an animator in one of our hotels or campsite!

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