Internship online : Animafest, we walk into the future


Internship online : Animafest, we walk into the future

Who are we?

internshipOur online platform Animafest Experience carries out the tasks of monitoring, execution, development of strategic processes and support for students, companies and institutions, to provide you with an efficient and effective service, and give you all the necessary support so that you can live your experience in Spain or France in a safe and reliable way. You decide when, where and for how long to do your internship. Once you have registered, the companies will contact you and you will be able to obtain your internship in a very short time.


Virtual Internship Program

Throughout the program you will assist the marketing team with social media. As an intern, you will receive professional and educational experience through hands-on projects, along with team members who are experts in their fields in Spain. Content Manager, Blogger, Research, Online Marketing and Advertising will be some of the tasks to be performed.


Why an international virtual internship?

Having an international internship will provide you as a young student the learning and interactioninternship experience in cultural diversity generating a great impact on their lives, however being virtual you do all that from the comfort of your home and without spending on travel, international insurance, stay and food that in another country is usually super expensive.

AnimaFest experience supports and guarantees the learning through the platform experiencing challenges and solutions inspiring the interns in their professional and personal development.


Advantages of international internships

You gain experience in your field of work, which will help you in the future to better develop your skills, and supports your future career.
The internship allows you to work, but at the same time takes care of being a complete learning project and preparation for the future.
Stand out from the rest when applying for a job, since your profile will be better trained for the tasks to be fulfilled in the company.
Start your professional career, which is a very important step, since companies nowadays prefer applicants who have some experience after graduating from university.
You acquire soft and hard skills, it also allows you to get to know yourself better to know which areas you need to work on more.
Being an international experience you create contacts and bonds that will help you to know the world, have new perspectives, develop creativity and make you a more social and open person to the world.
Enjoy cultural diversity, learn new languages and strengthen the ones you know.


Advantages of doing virtual internships

internshipAvoid tedious visa procedures, long lines, uncomfortable questions and the uncertainty of whether you are accepted or denied the visa.

Participation in scholarships such as Erasmus +, which is a public entity that facilitates mobility for students and university professors in Europe.

You no longer have to travel, spend hours at the airport waiting for flights that are sometimes delayed due to bad weather.

You get your work certificate and learn about the area in which you want to work in the future.

You save a lot of money, since you do not have to pay for airline tickets, visa, accommodation, transportation, food, among others…

You get work experience, you grow professionally.

You prepare yourself for the future systematized and monopolized by technology with cyber-employment.

You choose the duration of the internship, in addition to flexible schedules.

You have an internship tutor to guide you for the correct performance of the tasks to be performed within the company.


Register on our website and do your internship with us.



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