Internship 2022 : Andalusia, what to see, what to do, what to do?


Internship 2022 : Andalusia, what to see, what to do, what to do?

Andalusia is one of the most beautiful regions of Spain. It is located in the south of the country, where the warmth of its people and its history, culture and art captivate visitors. It offers the visitor an infinity of interesting things to see and do. It is one of the autonomous communities in Spain that attracts the most national and international tourists and students in search of internships. Its cultural richness, environmental diversity and the open and friendly character of its people are part of the magical elixir that makes Andalusia the preferred tourist destination for people from all over the world.

So if you are planning to visit this beautiful region for your internship, get on board and let us show you the top 5 things to see and/or do in Andalusia.

The Carnival of Cadiz

internshipCarnival in Andalusia in general, but especially in Cadiz, is one of the biggest cultural and tourist attractions. In fact, in Cadiz, people are very passionate about this party, as the Carnival of Cadiz has the great honor of being recognized with the title of International Festival of Tourist Attraction.
This festival takes place just before the beginning of Lent (the 40 days before the beginning of Easter). Visiting Cadiz during the period of this festival is special because of the fun atmosphere in the streets thanks to the famous chirigotas, comparsas and choirs.

Become a bird by paragliding, gliding or hot air ballooning.

Take a course in Andalusia and glide through the Andalusian sky and admire the natural beauty of this unique land. In Vejer de la Frontera, one of the most beautiful cities ofinternship Andalusia, you can paraglide from the patio of the restaurant El Poniente.


Go to Jerez de La Frontera

“The people of Jerez, generous and kind” or “in Jerez they have wine cellars for apothecaries”…. It is very interesting that Jerez can be described with the traditional Spanish refrain. Jerez is an Andalusian city that deserves its must-see status, especially if you want to immerse yourself in Spanish wine culture, but it has many other attractions. For an interesting experience during your internship, while strolling through the San Miguel neighborhood, think of “La Faraona”, the incomparable Lola Flores, and be inspired by the art of the neighborhood where she was born.

Go wine tasting, without getting drunk, and try the best wines of Jerez in one of its most emblematic wineries:

internshipAs we were saying, this city deserves a mandatory stop during your internship in Spain and one of the reasons is its famous wine. As we used to say to describe them, “good birth, careful maturation and time” are the elements that define the characteristics of this wine. Sherry is one of the most versatile wines in the world. The variety of these wines ranges from very dry to the sweetest on the planet.



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