Internship 2022 : Job market for new graduates


Internship 2022 : Job market for new graduates

The world economy recorded significant growth, despite the Omicron variant. Global economy experts seem to foresee a gradual return to normality or even an increase in job offers, taking into account several factors: health crisis, end of restrictions, retirements or shortage of certain skills.

After a year of unemployment due to the pandemic, the Eurozone economy recorded solid growth last year. This strong recovery of the eurozone followed the high growth in the United States, which increased by 5.6 % in 2021, while China increased by 8.1 %, according to data published by the European bank.

internshipIt highlights mainly, stronger than expected growth for the countries of France, Spain and Italy, which offset the small slowdown that occurred in Germany to drive a 0.3 percent GDP increase for the Eurozone in the last quarter of last year, indicating that the economy is at pre-pandemic levels.

Given this backdrop, it could be argued that collectively, this year’s graduating classes have better prospects ahead of them than the students of 2020.

In fact, the pace of available employment opportunities has fully recovered from the pandemic crisis and is now above pre-recession levels. There are now many professional occupations in which one can work from home, and that is most likely the type of employment sought by a certain category of college students.

The sectors of the economy currently facing the most difficulty in regaining all of their lost jobs are the service sectors, which were hardest hit by the recession caused by the pandemic: restaurants, bars, hotels, events, gyms, and entertainment venues. Students or recent graduates who are currently doing internship in these sectors often lead to permanent jobs.

On the other hand, it should be noted that although there are many more offers, theinternship competition will also be tough, since this year’s graduates will have to compete, in many cases, with the graduates of 2021, but also with the graduates of 2010 as well, since many of them may still be looking for their first full-time job, as they had not found work before the health crisis broke out.

However, it is worth noting that employers are increasing hiring and even salaries. Over the last few months, the trend shows that most of the world’s major economies have increased their wages and also that many companies are desperate to hire workers.

In many European countries, the end of health restrictions has begun and with it comes a resurgence of consumers, which is leading to a remarkable recovery of the hotel, tourism and catering sectors and with it a strong demand for workers.

Another sector that has managed to stay afloat even during the crisis is the technology sector. The demand is strong and constant for all jobs related to cybersecurity, digital marketing, web development, content managers and social media managers.

internshipThe outlook for 2022 is positive, as companies have many hiring intentions, both for confirmed professionals and for recent graduates. The trend is clear and shows that companies in the high value-added services sector are optimistic that the evolution of their activity will continue to be positive, being the sectors to which recent graduates should address in priority to send their resume.

If you are looking for an internship to earn your university credits or if you are simply considering a work experience abroad, these internship opportunities are waiting for you!

Register on our website and do your internship with us.


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