Internship 2022 : The best activities in Spain


Internship 2022 : The best activities in Spain

If you are looking to broaden your horizons and have decided to look for an internship in Spain, you will certainly set goals and act accordingly to achieve them and give the best of yourself.

However, a reality that should not be overlooked is that a great effort and concentration on these activities can lead to saturation, something that may progressively increase in frequency and intensity during your internship period.

Taking all this into account as a starting point, we also want to take care of your emotional side, so we will now propose a series of activities that will allow you to find a balance.

And before we start we suggest you memorize this: “Your internship will only depend on yourself, give yourself the opportunity to make the most of it”.

Cultural tourism:

Human beings are unique in essence, but each social group has had their own experiences, which may have shaped their views and perspectives in one way or another.
How can we strive to better understand the deeper components of different social groups?

Spain is the perfect country for this question. Suffice it to think that it is the third country in the world with the highest number of declared cultural heritage sites.

Moreover, to quote writer Irene Vallejo, the legacy of words, stories, images, buildings and creations is Spain’s most important raw material. In this sense, we want to show this reality taking as an example two of the best known Spanish cities in the world: Barcelona and Madrid.

In the case of Barcelona, a city with more than 380 cultural sites, you can easily get lost among the numerous monuments, museums, libraries, theaters, art galleries and opera houses, making it a perfect city for your internship.

Gastronomic tourism:

internshipSpain is an area with a great reputation in the culinary field, as it encompasses a great gastronomic variety, rich in tradition and innovation.

Here you will have the opportunity to visit Galicia, Asturias, the Basque Country, La Rioja and Catalonia, and in addition to the experience of tasting food or visiting some traditional or renowned establishments, there is also the possibility of having a more traditional experience.

Spain will also give you the opportunity to do alternative activities by living an immersive experience, with guided visits to different factories, wineries, markets and much more. It will be an interesting alternative if you want to get in touch with some of the peculiar characteristics of the country.

Sports tourism:

internshipIf you are a more physically active person or suitable for some sport, you should check out the Spain sports tourism guide.

As for sports activities in Spain, soccer, athletics, tennis, sailing and running are some of the most popular.

If you are interested in adventure or extreme sports, some of the most popular sports in Spain are: scuba diving, surfing, hiking, canyoning, rafting, golf, kayaking, caving, cycling, snorkeling, windsurfing, climbing, paragliding and many others.

Overnight tourism:

We all know that we are still on the road back to the normalcy that the global healthinternship crisis has taken away from us.
The global health crisis has taken away from us. However, it is possible that night tourism will regain strength as the months go by, especially in a country like Spain, where almost 30% of tourists had as their main objective (in a pre-pandemic context) to enjoy the nightlife that the country has to offer.

Nature tourism:

In Spain you can find a great variety of places that are part of the natural heritage of our planet, and surely more than one will leave you speechless; this is another great possibility if we want to be in contact with nature, and fully understand how wonderful the world is and how it works.

These types of activities can be divided into two macro-areas: on the one hand, those oriented towards sustainable tourism that contributes to the conservation of flora and fauna, and on the other hand, those oriented towards visiting places or landscapes whose characteristics make them natural wonders.

In the first case, it is important to remember that Spain has the richest biodiversity in Western Europe: conservation areas include el Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada, el Parque Nacional de Garajonay, la Reserva Natural del Valle de Iruelas, la Reserva de la Biosfera de La Palma and many others.

As for the second case, there are numerous scenic attractions such as la selva de Irati, Las Médulas, la playa de las Catedrales, el Valle del Jerte, las Bárdenas Reales, los Bufones de Pría, las Cuevas del Drach, el desierto de Tabernas, las Cuevas de San José, la cascada de Ézaro and many others.

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