Internship 2022 : Top 5 must-see places in Madrid


Internship 2022 : Top 5 must-see places in Madrid

Madrid is a city so full of life and culture that it is difficult to do it justice in a few paragraphs.

In terms of art, the city is unparalleled in Europe, with one of the best art museums on the continent, where masterpieces from the Renaissance and emblematic pieces from the 20th century await to captivate you during your stay in Spain.

Admire all the historical sites and learn about the background of the Spanish empire that spanned the globe in the 16th and 17th centuries.

There are also countless little things that make Madrid memorable, whether it’s a café con leche in a majestic plaza, a drink at a rooftop bar or a stroll through the Retiro or Casa de Campo on a sunny day.

Let’s take a look at the top 5 things to visit in Madrid during your internship in Spain:

Prado Museum

internshipThe Prado is one of the best and most popular art museums in the world. The collection of masterpieces
of masterpieces of Renaissance and Baroque masters is impressive.

Spain is represented by Velázquez and El Greco, the Netherlands by Rembrandt, Brueghel, van Dyck and Rubens, while Titian, Caravaggio, Botticelli and Tintoretto form the Italian group.

Among the many works to see are Bosch’s The Garden of Earthly Delights and Caravaggio’s David with the Head of Goliath.

The artist whose work is most frequently exhibited at the Prado is the Spanish Romantic Goya, whose 14 Black Paintings are a Spanish cultural landmark.

The Royal Palace

Built in the mid-17th century for King Philip V, the Royal Palace stands on the site of theinternship Moorish Alcázar
the site of the Moorish Alcazar of Madrid, which burned down in 1734.

It is the largest royal palace in Western Europe, and features a mixture of baroque and neoclassical styles.

You must enter to fully enjoy it, as the royal collections and frescoes are sublime.

There are works by Goya, Caravaggio and Velazquez, as well as impressive displays of clocks, tapestries, porcelain and silverware.

You can see the world’s only Stradivarius stringed-instrument quartet and the Royal Armory, which includes the personal weapons used by Charles V in the 16th century. If you want to get away from it all during your course, this is the place to be!

Santiago Bernabeu Stadium

internshipWhether you are a fan of the club or not, the fact is that Real Madrid is the most successful soccer team in Europe, with a record 11 European Cups to its credit.

For this reason, any soccer fan should consider a pilgrimage to its gigantic 85,000-seat stadium, where history has been made time and time again over the seasons.

A guided tour will allow you to get a panoramic view of the stadium, enter the dressing rooms, visit the dugouts and discover all sorts of interesting features, such as the trophy collection, the press room and the presidential box.

A great way to recharge your batteries during the training period.

National Museum of Archaeology

With priceless finds from all over Spain, this museum is a journey through Spain’s richinternship history.
through Spain’s rich history.

What may surprise you is the wealth of magnificent artifacts from before Roman times.

The best of these Iberian treasures and sculptures look almost new, although they are at least 2,500 years old.

The Lady of Elche is a bust of a woman with an incredibly detailed headdress and scrolls over her ears.

Much later, but no less impressive, is the Guarrazar treasure, a Visigothic collection of crosses and votive wreaths dating from 600.

The Puerta del Sol

This large square, located next to the Casa de Correos, is a popular meeting point-ideal for making new friends during internship and is full of significance for the city and the country.

Almost every Spaniard will recognize the clock atop the Casa de Correos, as it marks the televised countdown to New Year’s Eve.

There is also a delicate ritual: with each chime a grape is supposed to be eaten for good luck (12 in all).

Also in the square is the statue of El Oso y El Madroño, symbol of Madrid since the Middle Ages.

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