Internship Online


Internship Online

Telecommuting is not a new concept. But the accessibility of technology, coupled with the crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, makes it a suitable option today. Today, companies also offer virtual internship, giving the intern the opportunity to practice what he or she has learned in a physical or virtual work environment.

InternshipAt the beginning of the pandemic, the new reality came suddenly to millions of companies and employees around the world. Over the past two years, health conditions have forced employees and employers to adapt to this way of working.

While some countries are beginning to end health restrictions, it has been noted that some workplaces are preparing to adopt a hybrid work model for workers who choose to continue some telecommuting even after the pandemic is over. Organizations are preparing for a new reality and recognize that this way of working is likely to become a reality and may have some sustainability.

On the other hand, according to many studies conducted during the pandemic, workers have maintained their productivity, despite performing their work from home. For some industries currently experiencing recruitment difficulties, continued telecommuting could be an effective recruitment tool to help meet their staffing needs.

In the wake of the coronavirus crisis, there has also been a strong demand for online internship. Not all industries can offer virtual internship, as there are certain categories of jobs that involve face-to-face interaction.

Most online internship tasks are digitized and today’s students benefit from digitalInternship skills, so they are well prepared for a virtual internship. They have the capacity for flexibility and are ready and willing to dive in and learn the necessary programs to adapt very quickly to their new work environment.

International work experience is a quality that more and more recruiters are looking for in their future employees. An international virtual internship is an excellent way to gain this experience and improve communication, autonomy and time management skills. In addition, virtual internships require self-discipline, independence and initiative, skills that are also in high demand by companies.

Where to find virtual internship?

If you are a student who wants to acquire valuable knowledge for today’s working world, doing your internship virtually can be a good start. You can find virtual internship the traditional way, by contacting companies directly and asking for internship opportunities. You can also search for internship through your network of friends, teachers, former classmates. Finally also online, through platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Indeed, among others.

InternshipFor people who are used to working outside the home, being asked to perform tasks at home can be disorienting and requires guidance. Animafest is a platform that offers remote online internship, where students can apply their knowledge to real-life tasks by breaking the barriers of geographic location.

For students, it is a good way to fit online work in with the rest of the activities. From hospitality to communication to management, Animafest helps all students find the internship that will give them great work experience.

If you are having difficulties finding an internship abroad or if you are interested in a remote virtual internship, the Animafest team will do its best to find you the ideal internship that matches your aspirations. Feel free to visit our website to see the offers we have for you and you can also read testimonials from some of the interns who have taken the plunge.

Register on our website and do your internship with us.


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