Internship 2022 : Fun facts about Spain


Internship 2022 : Fun facts about Spain

Spain is more than just fiestas, beaches and paella. We have compiled some of the fun facts about Spain and Spaniards that you may not know.

Spain is the third country in the world (after Italy and China) with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world as a mother tongue, after Chinese, which ranks first.

According to the 2018 statistical report provided by the World Tourism Organization, Spain is one of the most visited countries in the world with 81.8 million tourists per year.
Tourism is one of the country’s biggest sources of income.

Spain is one of only four countries with a national anthem that has no official lyrics. The so-called “Marcha Granadera” is considered one of the oldest national anthems in Europe and when it was adopted it did have lyrics.

Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences is the most visited place in Spain.

internshipThe Sagrada Familia is Barcelona’s most visited monument and will become the world’s tallest Basilica when it is expected to be completed in 2026.
The Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Familia is the last building of Gaudí’s period, which spanned more than a century.

Pheasant Island, a small river island in the Basque Country, located on the border with France, forbidden to the public, changes nationality every six months.
It is administered by Spain from 1 February to 31 July and returns to French law between 1 August and 31 January of the following year.

Spain is the world’s No. 1 wine-growing country with 969 hectares of vineyards. It is the world’s second largest producer (35 million hectolitres), behind only Italy (44.5 million hectolitres in 2020).

The Tabernas desert, located about 30 km north of the provincial capital, ininternship
Almeria, is the only desert in Europe; immortalised since the 1960s by many filmmakers as a set for Hollywood westerns.

It is a Spanish enclave physically separated from Spain, surrounded by the French department of Pyrénées-Orientales.

Cadiz is the oldest inhabited city in Western Europe, with archaeological remains dating back to the year 3100; it was founded around the time of the end of the Trojan War, between the 13th and 12th centuries BC.

It is the country with the highest number of bars per inhabitant in the world; in Spain there is one bar for every 169 inhabitants and there are even cafés and bars open all day and all afternoon/evening.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, Casa Botín in Madrid, founded in 1725, is the oldest restaurant in the world.

Sublimotion in Ibiza (Spain) is the most expensive restaurant in the world. The restaurant is only open for a few months of the year during the Spanish summer, from 1 June to 30 September, offering a 20-course tasting menu costing $2,380 per person.

According to the WHO, only 10% of the world’s transplant needs are met. This says a lot about the spirit of solidarity and the generosity of the Spanish people. For 30 years, Spain has been a world champion in organ donation and transplantation.

The dishes of traditional Spanish gastronomy: Gazpacho, garlic soup and cocido are mentioned in some books dating back to the Middle Ages, making them the oldest foodstuffs in the world.

The largest truffle farm in the world and the largest producer of black truffles, with the largest plantation ever conceived, is located in Navaleno, Spain.

internshipAccording to data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s Corporate Statistical Database, Spain is by far the largest producer of olive oil in the world; producing 44% of the world’s total amount of olive oil!

We hope that with this article you have discovered some curious facts! How many of these facts about Spain did you already know? Good practice to all of you!

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