Internships 2022: Spanish culture


Internships 2022: Spanish culture




Spanish culture is unique and incredible; it has been gathering and absorbing customs from the different peoples that have passed through the territory over the centuries. These peoples have left their mark all over Spain; from their daily life customs, to their gastronomy, literature, their different types of art and beliefs.

As we said before when we talk about culture, we can talk about customs.

Customs are not stories that we will find in books or magazines, not even on the Internet, it is what is learned from experience and taught as a treasure to our environment; as part of a shared memory, a specific identity, and at the same time collective, which ends where it begins, in the family.

Next we will see the most significant cultural traditions of Spain:

If we talk about customs, we have to talk about the siesta….

After lunch, we usually take 15 or 30 minutes, to rest our eyes and digest our food, we Spaniards really love the siesta, but come to think of it, is there anyone anywhere in the world who doesn’t like it?


When it comes to sports, Spaniards are fascinated by tennis and, of course, soccer!

On the one hand, the matches between Real Madrid and Barcelona are capable of keeping hundreds of fans glued to their TV sets. And on the other hand, the duels of tennis player Rafael Nadal make even kings leave their responsibilities aside!

This does not mean that we only admire the sport, but also that we like to maintain an active and sporty life! So, if you come to do your internship with us, you can have a really hectic, fun and healthy rhythm!

If we talk about art, we cannot forget flamenco!

It is one of the most popular artistic expressions in Spain and considered heritage by UNESCO.

And you, would you dare to do flamenco during your internship? At Animafest we think you would enjoy it as much as we do!

Now, do you want to have some fun and feel part of the Spanish culture?  If you come during the month of July to do your internship, you will be able to witness the celebration of San Fermin. Don’t you know what it is? We will tell you about it:

The festival of San Fermin is celebrated in Pamplona and is one of Spain’s world-famous running of the bulls. At 8:00 a.m., in the streets of the city, bulls are released and some people run in front of them and pray to the saint not to die trying.

Another Spanish tradition is our gastronomy, you will really fall in love with the different dishes that you will be able to taste during your stay in our country! Don’t you believe me? Check out our blog, we have a report where we talk exclusively about our dishes! There are really a lot of them and we think you deserve to know the most significant and delicious ones we have in Spain! We recommend you to come with your belly ready!



When talking about culture, we cannot fail to mention bullfighting.

Although we are not bullfight lovers and there are more and more people who reject them, we cannot fail to mention them as part of the Spanish tradition.

Throughout the country, you will see monuments and ancient plazas filled with bulls in honor of the bullfights. Fans gather to cheer on the bullfighters, the banderilleros and the picadores who, with “bravery”, face the bulls.

Christmas! Yes, it is a very important and notorious tradition in our country, although we really wonder, is there any country that doesn’t love this celebration as much as we do? We doubt it! It is truly an iconic celebration throughout the world. At this time, as in many countries, great-great-grandmother ornaments adorn mantelpieces and tables. In addition, Christmas trees are filled with lights, homemade ornaments and mountains of gifts.

Finally, we can’t stop talking about the Camino de Santiago. Surely, you have heard of the pilgrims of Santiago de Compostela and if not, we tell you what it is about: it is one of the most popular customs in Spain. From Roncesvalles to Santiago de Compostela, thousands of people, on foot, on horseback or by bicycle, walk the streets to visit the tomb of the apostle St. James.


Unfortunately we have come to the end of the blog and this was a brief summary about our culture, and you, are you ready to come to know it in depth during your internship? We will be waiting for you! Animafest.


Register on our website and do your internship with us.


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