Marketing internship with Animafest

Marketing internship with Animafest

Marketing internship with Animafest

Hi there,

Today I’m going to talk to you about Animafest and its internship offers and more precisely about the Marketing internship. Did you know that Marketing is very trendy right now?

What is Marketing?

There are several types of marketing, but today the world has turned to Relationship Marketing. In relational marketing, we try to advocate customer service as a priority. This means that the product will be promoted, but that the customer will be accompanied and followed. The customer’s opinion is very important because he needs it in Relational Marketing. Basically, we try to give the customer a voice.

In Marketing we will try to study and analyze the customer, we will try to attract the customer and finally we will try to advise the customer and create a relationship with a certain loyalty so that we stay on the long term.

Creating a loyalty with the customer is very important and can be done through fun ideas on instagram for example, or by email or by creating loyalty cards.

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Why Animafest ? 

Animafest offers you an internship in Marketing

You will be responsible for promoting the organization through social networks such as Instagram. You will also be able to write blog posts for the company’s website. Finally, if you have ideas and you like to invest yourself, you can bring your ideas to the organization because we are all listening and open to all proposals.

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  • You can do your internship in presence

If you want to travel, whether you are in China, France, Russia or anywhere else, you can come to Spain to do your internship at Animafest. Great cities such as Barcelona and Valencia are waiting for you. You will discover breathtaking landscapes and a vibrant culture. You can also get to know the Animafest team on site in their offices.

  • You can do your internship online

Unfortunately with Covid-19 travel is limited and can be risky. Don’t panic, Animafest understands this!

We propose you to do your internship at home online, so you will only need a computer and a good connection, THAT’S IT!

You will be followed by the team from a distance and you will have the same missions as everyone else.

I put you below some example of mission for the internship online:

  • Week 1: Social Media: create a post for our different internship opportunities.
  • Week 2: Social Media: create a video to promote Animafest and our different types of internships.
  • Week 3: Blog: write at least one article, find an innovative topic to post.
  • Week 4: Content: create a quiz/story questions on Instagram to create interactions with our audience.
  • Week 5: Optimization: come up with ideas to expand or change something on the website.
  • Week 6: Find something to do to promote our website and increase our number of visitors.
  • Week 7: Finding something to do to promote our website and increase our number of visitors.



So no excuses, because whether you’re at home or not, Animafest promises that you’ll have fun assignments and develop skills for your professional project. And you’ll be supported by a fun and committed team. So come on, we are waiting for you, contact us quickly and without hesitation! Contact us by Whatsapp at +34 664 325 960 for more information.

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