National holidays in Spain – 2023

National holidays in Spain – 2023


National holidays in Spain - 2023 1

Whether you are living in Spain or you want to visit as a tourist its important to know about the public holidays of Spain because on some of these dates, businesses, offices, shopping malls, universities will close or diminish their working hours. Each city and each region in Spain has certify its holiday by the local governments. In general Spain is one the country which has the most festivals and holidays. And it’s a special time to visit a new city and many of Spain’s festivals are world famous that mean hotels and accommodations are quickly fills up. There are 9 national holidays, which are set by the government for the whole of Spain.


New Year’s in Spain

National holidays in Spain - 2023 2In Spain, 31 December is a very special celebration, where you can have fun and partying and start a new year. You may have a great time eating the traditional lucky grapes. Eating twelve grapes. You have to eat them one by one and if you can eat all of them you may have a lucky year. Its great fun. One of the famous place for this tradition is puerta del sol the central square in Madrid. a lot of people gather every year below the clock to celebrate the arrival of new year. Everywhere music, party, drinking and After eating the grapes there is a shared explosion of joy. The streets the club’s restaurants hotels of full of people dancing and celebrations until their body gives up.



National holidays in Spain - 2023 3

The day of the Epiphany occurs on 6 January. this day is known as king’s day or Dia de los Reyes and celebrated just like a Christmas with giving presents. families are generally celebrating in their home and giving gift to each other peopletypically eat a special Kings’ Day cake or bread called the Roscón de Reyes. Inside the cake will be hidden a bonus and a dried bean; who finds the prize become a king for the day, while the person who finds the bean must buy next year’s cake. also the most interest day for the visitors is 5 January because on the evening of that day three kings array through towns and cities and this is cause of the celebration its celebrated all over the Spain but the best one is in biggest cities Madrid, Barcelona and Malaga.


Saint Joseph’s Day

National holidays in Spain - 2023 419 March was dedicated to Saint Joseph in several Western calendars Joseph was the father of Jesus, Joseph’s Day, is actually Father’s Day in Spain. Popular customs among Christians traditions observing Saint Joseph’s Day are attendingMass or the Divine Service, wearing red-colored clothing, carrying dried fava beans that have been blessed, and assembling home altars dedicated to Saint Joseph. The most traditional activity to do on All Saints’ Day is to go to the local cemetery. Spanish families usually go together to the cemeteries where their loved ones are buried, clean their gravestones and leave fresh flowers. Some cemeteries may even have events on such as live music or dance performances.

Spain’s National holiday – 12th October – La Fiesta Nacional de España

National holidays in Spain - 2023 5Day of the Race Traditionally mentioned to as the Día de la Hispanidad, Spain’s National Day is the most important date for most Spanish in the national holiday calendar. Celebrated on 12th October, it has its source in 1892 as a celebration of the discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus. to recognize the cultural merger of native America and Spanish heritage. Dia De La Raza traditions include array, bullfights, dances, fiestas, and of course FOOD.


Feast of the Immaculate Conception

National holidays in Spain - 2023 6The elegance of the sinless Conception, also called, celebrates the sinless lifespan and Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, celebrated on December 8. The day is also known as the ‘Holy Day of Obligation’ and is celebrated with a Holy Mass. In addition, the day is celebrated with family meals, processions, and parades dedicated to the Virgin Mary’s honor.


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