Paid internships in Spain : Barcelona 2022


Paid internships in Spain : Barcelona 2022


As we advance in our university studies, we will reach a point where we will have to do our pre-professional internships, in order to fulfil the experiential and direct experience aspects, which are necessary to consolidate our training. Now, if it is feasible, you can do your internship not only in another city, but also in another country, something that would bring many more benefits.

For example, the change of space and the fact of living that time abroad, will help you to broaden your perspective and your horizons, since in addition to doing your internship you will be in contact with another culture, besides the fact of being able to stand out for coming from another country and that will also serve as a valuable event in the construction of your personal brand. On this occasion, we will focus on covering the most beneficial aspects of doing your internship in Barcelona, one of the most important cities in Spain:


Why go to Barcelona for your internship ?



Let’s start by mentioning the employment context in Barcelona. In this regard, we believe that this is a good time to choose Barcelona as an option for an internship. Nowadays, the city is in search of promoting the incorporation into the world of work in order to reduce the percentage of unemployment.

In this regard, it has been possible to see national and private companies, multinationals or companies working together to increase job offers, something that is reflected in the dozens and dozens of new jobs that are published every day in the different job exchanges. In this way, we are seeing a progressive and constant increase, not only in the number but also in the variety of jobs.


In addition to this, prior to the covid 19 period, in a survey of 197 countries conducted by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and The Network, Barcelona has been ranked as the fourth most preferred city when deciding to emigrate to work, sharing percentage with Berlin and being surpassed only by New York and London. Moreover, being one of the most populated cities in the country, the options within the labour market also increase, as you can find jobs ranging from just weekends, part-time or full-time. Likewise, being the second most visited city in Spain, one of its main sources of employment is the tourism sector.


Beyond the work oriented motives, there are other good reasons to visit Barcelona that will make you see this city as a very important option. Let’s talk first about the landscape, Barcelona has very varied spaces ranging from beautiful mountains to its imposing coastline, something that is appreciated if you are looking for variety, especially in outdoor activities that are directly related to the type of landscape and characteristics of the territory. At the same time, the city of Barcelona has the privilege of having an almost perfect climate, since due to its geographical position, it has ideal temperatures and attractive weather conditions for every season of the year.



Similarly, another positive and important aspect to be taken into account are its road connections. To make reference to this point, not only is it a city that keeps you very connected to other cities in Spain, as well as to other European countries, but its good logistics makes it easy to move around the city, so you can do without a private means of transport.

Let’s continue with gastronomy, a very important aspect of the experience of living in Barcelona.

Living in Barcelona means being in one of the most representative cities of Mediterranean cuisine, a fact that will allow you to live a pleasant culinary experience.



It could not fail to mention the entertainment aspects of the city. Whether you are looking to get in touch with your nightlife, practice sports or look for other alternatives for your leisure time, the city will definitely not disappoint you, as it is always active and with an endless number of activities for you to choose from.

To conclude, we can remark that Barcelona is a city with a great attraction in architectural terms, as it has works considered as very important in the whole world.


Register on our website and do your internship with us.

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