Paid kitchen and gastronomy internships in Spain 2024

Paid internships in kitchen in Spain with Animafest offer the world’s brightest but yet greatest opportunity for future chefs, food lovers, or learners/students of hospitality all around the globe. Its unique gastronomic heritage and traditions, represented by various regional cuisines, and the fast modern food scene, offer an ideal background for learning and professional growth. 

KItchen internships in Spain 2024

Types of Internships

Restaurant Internships: Spain has a lot of Michelin-starred restaurants and other critically acclaimed food preparatory establishments that offer internship opportunities to participants, where they can learn the art of food preparation from world-renowned chefs. Their assignments include on-job training on food preparation, kitchen management, menu development, refinement of culinary skills, and enrichment of creativity.

Pastry and Confectionery Internships: This basically brings in internship to those who have an interest in the sweeter part of gastronomy. Spanish patisseries stand out in the richness of pastries and desserts made, and interns can experience specialized pastry skills, pattering desserts, and chocolate work.

Wine and Beverage Internships: Spain is home to some of the most iconic wines and spirits in the world, and winery and beverage company internships give a great opportunity to explore oenology and the pairing of drinks. The students will learn about wine-making techniques, how wine tasting is done, and the business side with respect to marketing wine.

Compensation and Benefits

While payment for culinary internship is variable, a good number offer a salary, room, and board, or pay for associated costs. However, in most cases, the experience is greater than the money, as the intern makes valuable contacts in the industry as well as important mentors in the field at the same time learning in-depth knowledge about Spanish cuisine traditions.

Gastronomy internships in Spain

Application Process

In most cases, prospective interns will have to apply directly to restaurants, hotels, or culinary schools. This may require a CV, cover letter, and possibly a portfolio of past culinary work. Knowledge in Spanish will be helpful given that most of the kitchens conduct business in a mixture of Spanish and English.


A paid period of gastronomic internships in Spain is a superb basis to receive practical experience in dynamic culinary settings, cultural immersion, and professional development in one package with the most innovative cookery techniques, which in turn is invaluable for those intending to follow a life in the kitchen.

If you’re interested in doing your internship with us, click the button below to register on our website.

Apply here!


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