Erasmus internship in Spain: Barcelona 2020

Barcelona: a city full of resources

Are you looking for an Erasmus internship in Spain? Why not do it in Barcelona?
Cultural capital of Spain and great European metropolis, with more than 1.6 million inhabitants, you will never stop discovering it. Extremely touristic city with millions of people who come to visit it every year, it is the ideal sector to do your internship! So, if you are a student of tourism, hotel or restaurant,Barcelona is your destination! In addition, it has so many beautiful places to explore that we can never present them all in one article. So today we will show you the most emblematic places of the city and explain why you should do your Erasmus internship in Barcelona!

The Sagrada Familia

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Recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Sagrada Familia is a basilica visited by millions of people every year. Main Spanish monument, combines Gothic style and the most modern art. Construction began in 1882 and is not yet complete! If you want to visit, feel free to take your tickets in advance.

The Camp Nou

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A football lover, we’ve thought of you. If you are a true fan, you already know the Camp Nou, the famous stadium of FC Barcelona. So, if football is your first love and you want to spend your best afternoons, we recommend you come and do your Erasmus internship here, with the other 100,000 people you can receive!

In addition, with so many people present, you will surely wonder how you can find accommodation. Don’t worry! If you choose to do your internship with us, you will be accommodated and fed. A weight less on your shoulders during this wonderful experience that is the Erasmus internship.


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You’re starting to think this is the perfect city! Because yes, in addition to being a city full of art, culture and activities to do, Barcelona also runs along the sea! After walking along
the Rambla,
you will reach Port Vell, the famous fishing port, and its beaches that border the Mediterranean. You can taste fish and seafood caught on the same day in the many restaurants of this beach. Between swimming and seafood, you’ll have something to enjoy during your internship in Barcelona.

If this article made you want to expand for a while in this wonderful city, why not do you do your Erasmus internship in Barcelona? We invite you to register quickly on our site! We offer paid internships throughout the year with hotel accommodationthroughout Spain! If you want to get out of your comfort zone and discover this extraordinary city, opt for ap asantía in Barcelona with Animafest!

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