Smart Working: How to do your remote online internship in 2020

Hello and welcome to Animafest Experience! Today we will talk to you about a form of work that is increasingly being worked on and that the current situation will force us to adopt: The Smart Working.

What is Smart Working?

Smart Working: How to do your remote online internship in 2020 1

More commonly known as telecommuting,it’s a form of work that allows you to work from anywhere as long as you have access to a computer and a Wi-Fi connection. Often practiced in professions such as graphic design or journalism, this form of work contains many advantages that you will not necessarily find in a conventional job.
If you were planning to do an internship this year and your projects fell through because of the coronavirus, why not opt for an online internship? We’ll explain the pros and cons of smart working.


The Smart Working allows you to work from anywhere. Are you sick, can’t get around or have to take care of your children? Smart working is for you, you can do your tasks while staying at home if necessary. Do you want to take a break or drink or eat something at the local café? All you have to do is take your computer and work directly there, most cafes offer free wifi, so you can enjoy the living life while working.

An online internship will allow you to develop your autonomy. Indeed, by working from home you will find yourself alone to do your tasks. But be careful! Just because you work alone doesn’t mean you have to give up teamwork. Working from home requires a large organization with the other people on your team in order to maximize the time you spend on each task and share the work correctly. However, once you are entrusted with certain projects you will need to know how to work alone without constantly calling your co-workers.

An remote internship allows you to optimize your organization. By working from home, you will choose your own hours of work. Are you a night owl, more effective in the evening than during the day? You can decide to work essentially at night, as long as you make your work as and on time, no one will ask you what time of day you did it.



It is important to be disciplined, if you do not know how to manage yourself and manage your time it can be complicated. Indeed, having complete freedom of time management can often lead to procrastination. This is why it is advisable to schedule your schedule and stick to it. Otherwise, it can be very easy to take an extra day off while thinking that you will work more the next day, then push back that extra workload the next day and you quickly find yourself cornered.

– The mixture of personal and professional life. Working from home, there is no longer any difference between where work and personal life takes place. This limit that allowed us to leave the job where it is and relax once at home. When you work on TV, you lose that limit and you may end up looking at your own home as a place of stress.

In order to solve this problem, we advise you to work in a specific room of your home in order to create a kind of frame that will make a difference between this room and the rest of the house. So if you start to feel a little overwhelmed and want to relax you can leave the job in this room and think about something else once you get out.

Moreover, if you are looking for advice, we leave you here a link with 20 tips that will allow you to optimize your working method.

So if this article convinced you about the many benefits that smart working has to bring you, why not try the experiment. If this is the case, we will invite you to register on our website! We have a brand new remote virtual online  internship offer, so don’t hesitate! If you want to do an internship while staying safe at home, with your loved ones come and try the experience with Animafest Experience!!

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