The Internships at Animafest 2021

Internship at animafest 2021

Internship in Spain

In this article I’m going to tell you about the organization Animafest.
Are you looking for an internship? Do you want to get some experience? Do you like Spain? Do you live in France ? in England ? or others ? and above all you want to join a fun team, young and experienced? Then Animafest is for you. I’ll explain right away what it’s all about what it’s all about.

The Internships at Animafest 2021 1

Animafest is an organization that aims to find internships for young people but also for any person in school looking for an internship. If you have to validate your diploma with an internship, Animafest can help you quickly. Our organization is located in Spain (and yes, you will have the chance to do your internship in the sun) in some areas of Spain such as Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia or Alicante and many and many others.

The only thing that counts here is: EXPERIENCE! For us you are a talent who wants to have experience. Besides, between us, what is better than experience to be able to freely to be able to freely exploit your talent 🙂 .

Now let me quickly introduce you to the different internship offers we have for you.

Our internship offers

  • Marketing Internship
  • Cook internship
  • Reception Internship
  • Animation internship
  • Human Resources Internship

Digital Marketing Internship

If you want to discover, exploit and develop digital or communication skills, this internship is for you and guess what? You’re welcome to join us because we have the place. The marketing department is in charge of promoting the organization but also of extending its reputation and visibility. This means that you will have to develop strategies so that the organization reach its objectives.

Social networks are often used, but that’s not all we do! You will be able to improve languages such as French, English and Spanish. At the end of the internship you will be able to integrate a company, to assure great responsibilities but also you will have a professional network.

Internship Cook

If you like cooking, Animafest offers you internships in Spanish restaurants. You will be able to follow a training course worthy of the name, be accompanied by professionals and discover Spanish cuisine. In addition, you will create your own professional Spanish culinary network (this is always a plus if you plan to move to Spain).

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Internship Reception

If you like to be of service to others and if you want to have experience in the reception area, we have what you need. If you are studying languages or tourism, a reception internship is for you. Get ready to discover beautiful Spanish hotels with great atmospheres and dynamic teams.

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Internship Entertainer

Damn Covid… 🙁 But don’t worry, Animafest is here to help you!

If you like people, if you like to help, come! In a country like Spain we have what you need in terms of animation. Children, young people, families you should entertain. You are dynamic, you have a zest for life and above all you want to work and enjoy yourself: this is the place for you. (I think that by entertaining them you will have fun too 🙂 )

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Internship Human Ressources

If you are patient, willing to listen and above all looking for an internship in Human Resources we are waiting for you! Thanks to our internship you will have the opportunity to discover the business world through missions in human resources.  You will have the necessary skills thanks to the experience you will have acquired during this internship.

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So what are you waiting for? I’m waiting for you, we’re waiting for you or at least Animafest is waiting for you! If you are interested in our offers, you can create an account on our website Animafest Experience and then contact us by whatsapp at +34 697 18 41 46.

You can also find articles about personal development New World Vision

To do your internship it is mandatory to have an insurance, you can find it on our website.


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