What actually is an internship? – 2023

What is an Internship exactly and why do people and specially graduates need to do an
internship? – 2023


After finishing a degree graduates will lead practically

What actually is an internship? - 2023 1

in a position related to their field of study in order to gain more experiences and to be more qualified. It is almost needed for all students to do it because at that time students could figure out their problems, the rights and wrongs and actually the way they have to work for a company in future, during this time people could communicate with many others and also find connections between professionals which is absolutely valuable for any businesses, internship could be paid and also unpaid but anyway it is an excellent opportunity  to work.


How to find an internship?

There are many websites for any country which graduates could find an internship position and easily apply for it and then wait for them to respond but many roles aren’t advertised, so maybe speak to family and friends – they might know of a position at their place of work.


Available internships:

1. Virtual Remote ONLINE:

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After the pandemic of covid19 working virtually had become more trendy, people save more time by doing their job remotely and have more chance to work in companies abroad to grow their network. As an internship graduates are also able to work online without time limit and also from any location.



2. Kitchen & Pastry:

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If in the kitchen then you will probably know that Spain has one of the most delicious food, you can have an opportunity of learning many recipes from different country, get to know more about other countries culture use their knowledge and also share your knowledge with them.


3. Reception:

What actually is an internship? - 2023 4Imagine working in a happy place where you are the first one who will have contact with passengers, welcoming them and responding to their needs, You will learn many things from doing an internship as a receptionist in a hotel because you will contact with many passengers from all over the world every day, and you have to deal with any kind of personalities, When you include the most desirable receptionist skills on your resume, you are more likely to be identified by a hiring manager as a promising candidate for the job.

4. Restaurant & Bar:

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If you are looking for an interesting career to start the field of hospitality and gain experience while developing with skills you are in the right direction, working as a barista has always been an exciting career you will get to know how to make special drinks and will be train to be a multitasker person.


5. Spa & Wellness:

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If you are looking for a calm place where you can have more peace beside working and gaining experience then you have to choose to be a receptionist of a Spa & wellness, Spain is one of the most touristic place in the world and many of hotels has Spa inside it, you have to recommend the best services for any costumer and making for them appointment, answering the calls and managing it
would be your responsibilities.


6. Human Resources:

If you are a person who is emotionally Intelligence, it means that if you feel you have aWhat actually is an internship? - 2023 7 deeper understanding of emotions and manage feelings then you are a potential HR intern, Spain has many offer for you to upgrade your skills you will learn how to make a great relationship between employee and employers and it will scale your network, you will learn how to identify and hire talented employers and how to manage them, it would be definitely an opportunity for you!


7. Maintenance:

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If you are a person who see yourself productive in practical work then you have to know how much important you could be for a company or a hotel because without facilities working well it is not possible to use, Spain has many paid internship offers for you to start.



8. Customer Service:

If you have a naturally friendly behavior, if you feel that youWhat actually is an internship? - 2023 9 have a sense of humility then you are a good choice for being a customer service, working as a customer service intern needs a Patience personality who can give each client the time they need for their issue resolution, you will learn how to really listen (or read) to understand a user’s real question as not all users are skilled at explaining their issues you will learn how to improve public image of a company.


If you are looking for an internship : Click Here

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